
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Fall of Rye: Part 6: A New Enemy'

1:24 am | May 22, 2004
Its not your fault, just bustin your hip. Well, no more comments?
CoLd BlooDed
2:58 am | May 21, 2004
My fault? How is it MY fault? :P

He said to make sure everything flows, not the spelling or grammar.

I liked it though, good - yet simple - twist. Well, gotta go, send me the next chapter once you're done!
2:53 am | May 21, 2004
Thanks Helljumper. Dont blame me, its all Colds fault. =P Gald you liked it.
7:08 pm | May 20, 2004
Getting better teemus. My only comment is to proof read to make sure that everything flows. A few small words were missing here and there.


glad you took my advice.
9:34 pm | May 19, 2004
Very nice.

Ahn-yung hah-seh yo.
