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Comments for 'Marooned Chapter 13' |
CoLd BlooDed
8:03 pm | February 21, 2004
I had time to read this and I thought, "Wow, this is great!" But the code would make your stories so much more organized, I suggest you use it as a fellow fan fiction writer. Great, and keep it up, I feel sorry for Zoran...but it was still pretty funny. ;)
Chechen fighter
12:33 pm | February 20, 2004
Much better, now its getting interesting. Keep it coming please.
Steve Ollett
8:44 am | February 18, 2004
To Thomas Harper: The problem you describe happened to me when I tried to submit this piece of work. It was sod's law that after I had posted a note on the forum notifying of this problem it worked straight away afterwards!!!
2:50 am | February 18, 2004
No. At least not me. Probably either:
A) Your computer, or:
B) HBO happens to be down whenever you want to submit fanfic.
Thomas Harper
10:27 pm | February 17, 2004
o and if u no anything about it then just post it here [if its of course ok with steve ollet lol] or u can email me at madden2482@comcast.net thax!!!!!!!!
Thomas Harper
10:21 pm | February 17, 2004
nice man i liked the fact that u got rid of Zoran! this was good. o and by the way.....does anyone ahve the same problem or does anyone no how to fix this....Ive been trying to submit my 3rd or 4th piece something like that and when i ever i click on preview submision it always comes up as We can't find "http://halosn.bungie.org/fanfic/ffadd.html"
Steve Ollett
7:59 am | February 17, 2004
Wow... "You love me, you really love me..."
Thanks for your comments! It is really satisfying to get this level of appreciation.
I had been saying for a while that the Zoran character was about ready to get his end, and I wanted it to be in a way that highlighted the fact that most of these self-professed 'highly intelligent' people have no common sense at at.
Glad you liked it!
10:34 pm | February 16, 2004
Exceptional way of offing Zoran, lol. Keep up your writing.
10:27 pm | February 16, 2004
Very nice. I see your basing the Covies on Legendary mode, which is a good thing. This was excellent work, and just for the record, I never liked Zoran
MC's Cousin
10:05 pm | February 16, 2004
That was yet another good one. Impressed am I. But much to learn you still have. JK. Keep up the goodness.
Signing Off
9:31 pm | February 16, 2004
I think that was about one of the cheapest, yet most satisfying, ways to remove an annoying character that I have ever seen. I applaud you.
Agent Shade
7:57 pm | February 16, 2004
i agree with TM's statement. either that, or we clone his brain, take out all of ours, and put his in.....*searches Steve's mind* so that's where you get your motivation from, your girlfriend ;)
keep writing man, this is mucho excelente
7:54 pm | February 16, 2004
heh heh heh stupid Zoran, I laugh at his misfortune. hahahahaha
enough of that, great story, loved the action and hopefully no one else dies but if they do I'll still read the story, and now that I've the time I can do part two of Mysteries
7:20 pm | February 16, 2004
because then i would have nothing to do. but then again, fan fic would become alot better than...
tehn the flug shot the MC and the mc went oh shit and he shot the flug and hlao blew up teh end!!! l0L111!!!1!!
Traumatised Marine
7:18 pm | February 16, 2004
Why don't we clone this guy and just have him do all the writing? ;)