
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Forerunner's Fate'

8:11 pm | May 4, 2004
I just posted the next chapter, should be up tomorrow. Lot more detail and stuff, tell me what you think.
The Silver Spartan
7:26 pm | May 4, 2004
SeverianofUrth- nav. and comm. should actually be: NAV and COMM, that is according to Eric Nylund.

The Silver Spartan
12:02 am | May 4, 2004
Yea I didn't think aboutthe periods. But the Last half of this chapter was written on the form. I just finished the second chapter, hopefully I did better this time.
10:30 pm | May 3, 2004
Hey, you think your stories are rushed? I write mine straight on the fanfiction submission form. That's rushed. And unstructured, rife with grammatical errors, past/present tense confusions,and whatnot. Your stories are fantastic compared to mine.
You might want to put periods after words like nav. You know, put nav. marker, or comm. systems instead of just nav marker, or comm systems. I think it'll look better that way.
11:02 am | May 3, 2004
I saw the code after I wrote the story( I saw everyone posting comments, so i went back and looked for myself.) And as for lack of detail, I was being impatient went myself. Both problems will be changed in the next chapter. It was rushed, I went back and read it myself and ralized some of the things that I needed to change. Including certain grammatical errors.

Thanks for reading,
Nick Kang
8:36 pm | May 2, 2004
Yeah the little button above the submission form. They should probably highlight that better, as most people seem to miss it. Anyway, onto the story, there was too much 'some time later he was at the place'. We want detail.

MC's Cousin
4:59 pm | May 2, 2004
Detail is good! Drown us in detail!

Well, you want help? Sorry, I'm not that good. But I will give you an age old piece of solid advice:

*MCC calms down*

You know, those directions as the top of the FF submission page are there for a reason. How about you take the opportunity and read them. Of course that's only if you expect us to read your fiction.

Signing Off

2:26 pm | May 2, 2004
It was good. my ownly thing is that it seemed rushed and there weren't enough details.

1:39 pm | May 2, 2004
Yea! It finally posted. Tell me what you think i.e.; what need to be fixed or changed
