
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'To Stand Against Fear'

Nick Kang
12:54 pm | July 9, 2004
Yeah, it's so-so. You really should try to make some of the lines better.

Dave Luck
3:57 pm | July 7, 2004
I can't really grade poetry, and I don't really.

Not bad, not bad.

In poetry, I understand that many of the laws of grammar can be bent. Some can be broken. Others cannot be bent or broken at all.

- Dave.
12:34 am | July 7, 2004
Poetry...Ugh, i almost failed that course...
CoLd BlooDed
1:37 am | July 6, 2004
I'll have to go with Walker on this one, but I liked it. Not necessarily something different, but something better than most.
Slit Throat
9:27 pm | July 5, 2004
Actually, the first part was for a school assignment. I just added on to it to fit Halo. That's probably why it didn't flow too well.

As soon as I get another idea for a poem, I'll write another one.

Thanks for the suggestions.
6:09 pm | July 5, 2004
Not too bad...A good first attempt. I agree with Walker about the flow and the grammer, it could have been better. I'll give you a 7/10. Hope to see more in the future.
5:47 pm | July 5, 2004
pretty good for a first attempt at poetry. mine would have been horrible compared to yours
1:23 pm | July 5, 2004
While I've never been much of a fan of free verse, there is some that's better than others. This was so-so. It just didn't have that good, flowing feeling. That's all I can describe as being wrong with it, since the grammar was fine and so was spelling. So, as a general poem, for the abovementioned reasons, it is a 6.5/10. As a free verse poem, it is an 8/10. Take your pick.

Good attempt, and hope to see more.

