
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'UN: 2552'

1:03 am | June 2, 2004
No fair. I want a Covenant battle cruiser hovering outside my window. Wait . . . Nope, actually, YOU can have the battle cruiser. I'll stick to shooting them on my X-Box.
I hope they eat Bin Laden first. Evil scum . . . I have a question and even though I wrote to the help e-mail address-thing, I haven't gotten an answer. If I post something as a single story, does the story have to be complete? Is it the whole story and I can't add any more to it?
Nick Kang
11:54 am | May 31, 2004
Terrorist organizations resorting to cannibalism. Either that or the surprisingly large Covenant battle cruiser that's hovering outside my window.

9:21 pm | May 30, 2004
CA vs. Iowa . . . Hmmmm . . . Well, we'd be eating plenty of cheese and grapes and drinking wine and milk like there was no tomorrow. I can survive without bacon and corn, but I'd miss ham (yes, they both come from pigs, I've just had enough bacon and scrambled eggs to last me TWO lifetimes. *YUCK* My family just can't take a hint. Now waffles and pancakes, that's a different story). Well, that subject changed from: the UN, to the U.S., to American pride, to illegal immigrants, to food and back to illegal immigrants. What's next?
6:54 pm | May 29, 2004
It's easy to stop illegal immigrants.

Just make a company pay them the same amount they would an american worker.

That and use the air force to patrol the southern border. Just establish an air force base down there (if there isn't already) and use it for training our forces.
6:43 pm | May 29, 2004
That made absolutely no since, but I am feeling hungry!
Blue Jaguar
6:00 pm | May 29, 2004
Iowa vs California.......who would win....Iowa cuz California would starve cuz we got all the corn, plus we got 15 million pigs :) 1 pig for 2 californians.

Anyone want bacon?
5:31 pm | May 29, 2004
State that's willing to take the Bush administration down no matter what the cost in national pride, security, or lives as Al Qaeda may very well attack our country 2-3 days before the election? And, Heaven help me if we let any attack influence us to kick Bush out of office. He must be doing SOMETHING right if the terrorists are desperate to get rid of him.
And if they do attack, I think I might just go into the Air Force. Or politics. What we really need to do is shut both of our borders down. Go through legal channels or we gun you down in the river!
And, if we don't kick terrorists ass if there is an attack, I'm going to pull my hair out.

A bunch of people out there are just complete morons, and I guess that's just something we'll have to learn to deal with.
3:25 am | May 29, 2004
California=A big liberal ...something. I'm not sure yet.
1:06 am | May 29, 2004
Awesome! Pro-American people! CA is filled with people who feel everything's the U.S.' fault. They're ridiculous! Go American pride!
4:35 pm | May 28, 2004
Haven't you read the official Halo storyline? You didn't include the Rainforest Wars or the Jovian Moons Campaign, or include any of the stuff featured there.

Otherwise, pretty cool... Keep it up.

- Darkest90
Slayer Boi
1:24 am | May 28, 2004
ok because this is the top 1 i post here. lance Johnson is Grounded, and will not be able 2 get on 4 a while. when he comes back the rest of his series will be posted.
11:08 am | May 27, 2004
10:53 pm | May 26, 2004
Yeah we should do that. Then the world, not US, will have to do something about their problems. GO USA! (and all of those that would be with us on our issues)
8:20 pm | May 26, 2004
Heh. USA! USA! I like the part about us Yanks leaving those pantywaists out to dry! Eat it, Frogs!
Some guy...
3:52 pm | May 26, 2004
Nice background story for how the UNSC came to be. The writing is terrific! Good work.
3:52 pm | May 26, 2004
This HAS been done before...try checking up on previous "stores" about facts and figures for the UNSC (or UN, whatever you like to call it). Show us where you are going with this, as I picked up on a pattern that seemed like it was trying to get through, but it stopped well short of turning into anything.
3:18 pm | May 26, 2004
Its been done before, hey MMC or Mainevent help me out, who wrote the complete history of the UNSC? Well his was longer and more complete, the author of this story should read it.

12:16 pm | May 26, 2004
I don't know if I should call that a fan fiction or a report on the history of the UN...Uh, nice writing, very formal and to the point.
