
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'On A Pale Horse: Two Cruisers'

Wiley K.
3:45 pm | June 27, 2003
Loki 'Lukamee, even tho he is mine you can use him.
Silent Hunter
4:50 pm | June 26, 2003
Umm...I can barely make up nemes for people, much less aliens...so if anyone has suggestions for the Gold elite...feel free
Silent Hunter
11:56 am | June 26, 2003
Short? Well, it was originally gonna be longer (with the E3 demo part, but I have an extremely slow processer (450 MhZ Intel Celeron), so I had to watch the low res movie over, and over, and over...[5 hours later]...over, and over again...and I still didn't finish it yet...so eventually I thought it was too long from when I put in the first one, so I had to put SOMETHING in...).

*pulls shot-gun over shoulder, loads it* BRING IT ON!! lol
11:56 am | June 26, 2003
*Pulls out sniper rifle and shoots both Silent Hunter and Hunter_Killer before they fire a shot*

*Grins evilly, searching for Ronald*
Silent Hunter
1:12 am | June 26, 2003
I have no life either...anyway, I made an error in my last comment...That "that's wrong" at the end should not be there...just so there's no confusion...
Silent Hunter
12:23 am | June 26, 2003
I'm open to critisism...In fact, I want it! Tell me anything thats wrong (And I know I'm a shitty writer, so There has to be many many things that are wrong, or can be better. ;P) thats wrong.
10:59 pm | June 25, 2003
Hello. Are you a Hunter? *Grins evily, and pulls out MD6 Pistol*

LOL, SHORT-A-MUNDO 9/10 for the shortness.
Silent Hunter
4:57 pm | June 25, 2003
lol, yes...I've read the book of revelations many many times...yes the pale horseman is the grim reaper
Wiley K.
2:02 pm | June 25, 2003
Cool, 9.5/10

I was searching Encarta for Halo-related-stuff(Yes, I have no life) And I noticed this: On a Pale Horse referes to the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse, who is (Cue dramitic music here) Death. Anybody know what to make of this?
