
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo 2: Chapter 4: Just another day at work...'

10:48 pm | July 1, 2003
uh? ok... never mind... lol
Agent Shade
2:08 pm | July 1, 2003
you..I...but...they...oh...my bad then
1:53 pm | July 1, 2003
Battle For Norah? Why would you think i was making that series? (haven't read it)
Agent Shade
1:55 am | July 1, 2003
Shadowrunner, do you have two series going on? Battle for the Norah and this one? this chapter was good by the way, good job 9/10
11:20 am | June 30, 2003
c'mon, a forty mm sniper rifle?!?! that would blow the guys arm off, that's like an inch and a half in diameter. it can't really happen, especially if the person isn't a SPARTAN-II.
7:44 am | June 30, 2003
While you're at it, this is todays version of the sniper in Halo:


Notice it is 20mm... Agreed, a double-up is a big leap, but 500 years from now shouldn't it be possible?

And read the Shadow Ops chapter 1! It says that these Shadow Ops forces are stronger and taller than normal humans... like a SPARTAN without Mjolnir suit.
7:42 am | June 30, 2003
C'mon? Well c'mon and take a look at this site here:


Notice the cartridge size!
