
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Rebirth - The Ragnarok'

Alpha Lance
6:14 pm | August 17, 2003
You got me Knightmare.
4:24 pm | August 17, 2003
That doesn't really ruin anything... just slaps on the table how big a lance really is, if indeed it is... four companies long.
12:30 am | August 17, 2003
not to ruin anything, but in Battletech/Mechwarrior/Mechassault or whatever you call it, a lance, is a group of four 'Mechs. Three Lances make up a company, and from there, it continues. Anyway, cool story, keep 'em coming!
5:49 pm | August 16, 2003
Right. My statement about stealing wasn't directed toward you, Alpha Lance (Alpha Lance is a name used by a unit of wolf's Dragoons ;- ) ), it was more or less for those who DID think we stole something.

I was simply, and rather firmly, stating the fact that it was not stolen, but an original thought on part of Shadow.
Alpha Lance
5:06 pm | August 16, 2003
I kinda think the Yimer better,you know off
Mech Aussault,it has the whole deal,Lava Gun
2 PPC guns and I belive it also has Javilen
Missiels.But I have seen it on Max Pyan,and
plus,I don't know shit about all these Greek
Mytholoy shit,and I don't really care.I was
just asking if you got it off of Mech Aussalt,
that all.
11:40 am | August 15, 2003
I believe so. (Norse is Viking, yeah.)
11:26 am | August 15, 2003
We've been here, just slow. As usual.
The 'congratz'go to Shadow yet again for this part.

I'll be submitting next, for around three to five parts. Then, finally, comes the master of sarcasm and glass Longswords himself, Arch.
10:01 am | August 15, 2003
Ragnarok is in Ultima Online it is the best Armour you can gte adn it looks so cool... oh good story 9/10
8:00 am | August 15, 2003
Ragnarok is equivalent to the armageddon.
It is, so to say, the vikings version of how the world would end.

You guys should read up on it and in that way obtain details that would definetly add even more spice to this story.

B T W you guys rock!

I loved "Rise to honor" Series and now I love the "Rebirth" series too.. :)

If you ever get it published (wich shouldn't be that hard" post it here...
4:33 am | August 15, 2003
I believe it was used to describe the end of the world, too.
2:20 am | August 15, 2003
No, from what I know, Ragnarok is certainly a name from old mythology. I was told that it was Greek or Roman, but perhaps it is also Viking. Quite old, and I don't know the meaning of the word. I did not steal it, though it may be the name of the secret mech in that game and the name of the night club in Max Payne. The name has been used numerous times, and that fact has nothing to do with whether I 'stole' the word or not. I found the stucture of the word to bit what image of the ship I was attempting to describe, and that would be it. I'm not sure exactly where I first found the word, but the fact of the matter is that Ragnorak was made way back then, and is in no way a theft.
7:51 pm | August 14, 2003
Norse is Viking right?
7:06 pm | August 14, 2003
Ragnarok is also the final battle of the gods in Norse mytholoy.
7:01 pm | August 14, 2003
Obviously you people haven't been around long enoug to now what this is. Knightmare where the hell ya been. Man this story kicks ass! 10/10!
4:44 am | August 14, 2003
The hell? No, we didn't steal. Anything we think of is usually original.
12:52 am | August 14, 2003
Never mind where they got the word...it may be stealing, but I doubt anybody's going to mind if they take a word from an Xbox game and use it as a title.

12:27 am | August 14, 2003
ya did u?
Alpha Lance
6:59 pm | August 13, 2003
Ragnarok sounds very familar.Should I say,or ask,
did you get that off of Mech Aussault?
