
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Project Shadow Spartan: Chapter Two'

12:59 am | June 22, 2003
not interesting at all.. the thought of another chapter is frightening
10:53 pm | April 11, 2003
Oh jeese im getting this story mixed up with a story that was called "Shadow Spartans" or something like that. the story was ok, but i know you guys can do better. Team work
1:32 pm | April 11, 2003
MJOLNIR-X huh? pretty cool. Well this is a good story Iliked it. Keep them coming! And yes I agree don't litter other fan fics with comments asking people to read your story they come here out of their own fre will. Look koby your doing it now, asking diablo what he thinks boy you are stupid!
Shadow Spartan
11:45 am | April 11, 2003
what are you talking about man? o wait, that comment in...what was it....one of those stories that said "read Project Shadow Spartan?" i swear dude, that was NOT me...honestly....you dont have to believe me, but that was not me, i swear
Arinoth Koby
3:03 am | April 11, 2003
el_halo_diablo what do you think of our series so far?
Shadow Spartan
2:13 am | April 11, 2003
but it wasnt me, thats my point...
2:00 am | April 11, 2003
Either it was or it wasn't, it doesn't matter, it happens. :)
9:36 pm | April 10, 2003
Shadow Spartan, don't spam on other peoples post/coments section, telling them to read this story.
Shadow Spartan
8:42 pm | April 10, 2003
actually dude, this aint our first time, we've created fiction like this before
8:27 pm | April 10, 2003
Hmm... Nice adjective but poorly assembled. Sentance structure is weak whenever you describe something. You clearly ahve some idea what you are doing, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is among your first attempts to create a formal writing style. A-...
7:21 pm | April 10, 2003
EXCELLENT! perfect use of adj.'s & structure w/ lots of suspense. can't wait to read more!
James Kinsella
11:29 am | April 10, 2003
Okay. I hope you send the next one in soon.
9:16 pm | April 9, 2003
nice work colin and sam
Arinoth Koby
8:58 pm | April 9, 2003
Hey sorry, its Chapter 1, we made a typo, sorry about that all
Shadow Spartan
8:58 pm | April 9, 2003
FOLKS! crap, this is my mistake....this is actually chapter one, not chapter two....damnit....sorry about that...the next one is chapter two....
