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Comments for 'I've been dead so long, a Flood so long' |
2:27 am | June 24, 2004
"Feet first into my Ass." I thought at first that he was asking to get his ass kicked. What a weird guy...
2:24 am | June 24, 2004
Well, romac is gone... What a angry guy.
Now, if more n00bs (I'm a probational regular)(I hope) left...
1:53 am | June 24, 2004
he's got a bit of a point there peoples....
some of you should grow up a little. other's should grow up a lot. people who get on this site and other site's and try something out, actually want to be here. this isn't some shitty arse chat site that you get on and have arguments for fun. and it's certainly not something that you get on and shoot down other peoples creative ideas just because you don't agree with theirs. if you don't then tell them, but don't go on some freakin rampage and shoot down everything that they write. this isn't the school yard any more. and what happens here has serious implications to people, and the work that they are striving to get some sort of credit for. grammer check them, spell check them, give them ideas... but for christ sake...
grow up
1:53 am | June 24, 2004
he's got a bit of a point there peoples....
some of you should grow up a little. other's should grow up a lot. people who get on this site and other site's and try something out, actually want to be here. this isn't some shitty arse chat site that you get on and have arguments for fun. and it's certainly not something that you get on and shoot down other peoples creative ideas just because you don't agree with theirs. if you don't then tell them, but don't go on some freakin rampage and shoot down everything that they write. this isn't the school yard any more. and what happens here has serious implications to people, and the work that they are striving to get some sort of credit for. grammer check them, spell check them, give them ideas... but for christ sake...
grow up
12:16 am | June 24, 2004
OCCASSIONALLY take flaming? What the hell are you smoking? That is all we do. If we talk about "Helljumper's ODST", without the proper "RESPECT" to them. Well I think helljumper can go "Feet First into my Ass" He is just a punk ass bitch who spazs out everytime some new writer even mentions a hint of a clue to a riddle of there being an ODST. And if its not what HE thinks an ODST should be like, then EVERYONE else agrees with him. You know when I'm angry at all the "regulars", all they do is tell me to "stop it or you'll look stupid." People like me get no respect because we haven't been here for a long time. I found that all the regulars here PROBALY started out as average kids, then started writing stories EVERY chance they get. Some people have 3 or 4 pages of fanfics people like Coldblooded(how the hell do you say that fucking name?) have, and I counted, exactly SIXTY stories. I mean JE-sus Christ! All of you "regulars" All you regulars are probal bullied in school so you flame people here, so I quit for good, never will write a story. Just to make this clear this is all because of the "regulars" like cold-whatever, helljumper(that STUPID ASS BITCH!!!!), and many others who show no respect to newbs or n00bs. Well FUCK all the regulars and
PS. You'll see no more of me forever, and for the people who ACTUALLY liked my stories, my email is romac1991@yahoo.com Well bye everyone and fuck all the regulars.
6:05 pm | June 23, 2004
Nice, and kinda humorous.
3:41 pm | June 23, 2004
Wow, Señor El Robot-o, I can't think of a better way to leave no doubt as to your sub-normal IQ than to leave random spurts of insultry on a comments section.
If that went over your head (probably), basically, translated to the idiot-speak in which you are so well versed, I am calling you a retard.
3:39 pm | June 23, 2004
Nice... maybe next time you can make it a Flood rap.
Or not.
Señor El Robot-o
1:06 am | June 23, 2004
u all suck!
9:27 pm | June 22, 2004
Thanks for the comments, people. And no, this doesn't tie in with the other story. I'm not serious enough about fanfiction to do that. I actually wrote on the spur of the moment, while doing my REAL work.
someone that you dont know
3:07 pm | June 22, 2004
Cool. Is this suppossed to tie in with "The Flood In Me"? Anyways, nice. 8/10
10:37 am | June 22, 2004
word up G got some good work there with the continueity put the combat form in the cross hair
don't mess with the stress like the stress won't mess when the flood undress with that tingy brown flesh
dropping spores on the floors with the yelps and the roars like hell comin through the doors stealing archeron's oars...
an all that with the rat-a-tat-tat the organs going blat! and the lyrics just went flat...
CoLd BlooDed
3:05 am | June 22, 2004
I liked it, once again, it's creative and something new.
A welcome change to HBO.
white grunt
12:54 am | June 22, 2004
yea the flood kool good poem
343 Salty Beans
12:29 am | June 22, 2004
The last line confused me:
The people me is going down the drain.
Should "people me" be in quotes or something? Other than that, pretty good. I'm not a big fan of poems, so that is really saying something.
6:48 pm | June 21, 2004
Kick ass poem.
6:45 pm | June 21, 2004
Actually, I think that if the Combat forms wrote a poem, it would be something like this:
Food.... Glurgh..... Blood..... Arghle... Reproduction.... Burble...
6:30 pm | June 21, 2004
Wow... thanks, all. And yeah, I'm into flood, Nick. I hate how the Covenant names are spelled, and SPARTANs are boring to write about because all they do is rip apart the enemy, which is actually pretty darn repetitive.
Nick Kang
12:52 pm | June 21, 2004
Actually I think if Combat Forms were to write a poem, it would go something like this:
Gurgle urgle Blaaaaaah Arrrggghhh Gurgle blah
Thank you, thank you. You're too kind. This poem was cool! I think you're into the Flood, aren't you Severian?
8:08 am | June 21, 2004
This one touched me somehow... I like it, and if Combat forms were to write a poem, I bet this would be it.