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Comments for 'The New York Chronicles (part 1)' |
CoLd BlooDed
7:46 pm | July 7, 2004
So I'm NOT considered a regular, this doesn't make any sense.
The NEW Zak
11:47 am | June 28, 2004
I didn't say anything about bowing down to YOU, CoLD Blooded, I was talking about regulars.
12:05 am | June 26, 2004
romac, come on man..chill we're all here to expand the halo universe and have fun "commenting" on each others stories. Just because your spazzing out over how someone talks is no reason to quit writing *stands behind cold and MCC*
P.S yea i don't write stories...big deal
11:42 am | June 24, 2004
OCCASSIONALLY take flaming? What the hell are you smoking? That is all we do. If we talk about "Helljumper's ODST", without the proper "RESPECT" to them. Well I think helljumper can go "Feet First into my Ass" He is just a punk ass bitch who spazs out everytime some new writer even mentions a hint of a clue to a riddle of there being an ODST. And if its not what HE thinks an ODST should be like, then EVERYONE else agrees with him. You know when I'm angry at all the "regulars", all they do is tell me to "stop it or you'll look stupid." People like me get no respect because we haven't been here for a long time. I found that all the regulars here PROBALY started out as average kids, then started writing stories EVERY chance they get. Some people have 3 or 4 pages of fanfics people like Coldblooded(how the hell do you say that fucking name?) have, and I counted, exactly SIXTY stories. I mean JE-sus Christ! All of you "regulars" All you regulars are probal bullied in school so you flame people here, so I quit for good, never will write a story. Just to make this clear this is all because of the "regulars" like cold-whatever, helljumper(that STUPID ASS BITCH!!!!), and many others who show no respect to newbs or n00bs. Well FUCK all the regulars and
PS. You'll see no more of me forever, and for the people who ACTUALLY liked my stories, my email is romac1991@yahoo.com Well bye everyone and fuck all the regulars.
11:42 am | June 24, 2004
you can suck MY salty beans bitch
343 Salty Beans
4:08 pm | June 23, 2004
Apparently CoLd, you don't live in Los Angeles :). I've seen people string that off and more faster than a firecracker.
And we don't exactly "bow" to regulars, just we listen to them and occasionally take a lot of flaming from them.
And yeah, romac...don't do that again. That wasn't as bad as twinkie, but still...that's not going to win you any friends.
5:40 am | June 22, 2004
We dont BOW down to you, its a figure of speach. But you guys make it seem like since we're new, and you been here a while, that we have to kiss your ass and listen to you.
CoLd BlooDed
2:36 am | June 22, 2004
I don't neccessarily think that, I was just saying that since I've been here on HBO for a while that he should listen to me because I know what happens. I've seen things like this happen plenty, and the result is always the same.
Anyways, since when DO you guys "bow down to us"? That's not a very good figure of speech.
The NEW Zak
5:29 pm | June 21, 2004
I kinda agree with romac on the" bowing down to regulars" thing. I mean, my god, just because they have been here a year lets bow down to them and worship them.
CoLd BlooDed
11:26 am | June 21, 2004
Way to sound like some kind of internet-fag, romac, don't do it again.
9:57 am | June 21, 2004
Little late, but here goes.
Romac, you don't do this on othe peoples storie's comment pages. If you honestly are that desperatly wanting to be an idiot, do it on your own section.
Oh, and veterans are the ones who you should be bowing down too, Infidel.
3:05 am | June 21, 2004
wow, this was one of the more interesting comments page, but about the story, it was pretty good. funny how u had James shit his pants. but he also smelled urine...so, did he shit AND piss his pants? and for some reason smashed baked beans came to mind when i read the shit his pants thing (dont ask, pleas). but overall, i give it a 8.2/10
CoLd BlooDed
2:58 am | June 21, 2004
Thanks, romac, just please, make sure you don't do that again.
...or call me a white boy. 'Cause, with all due respect, I know I AM white.
2:38 am | June 21, 2004
Okay everyone, disregard all my last posts. I was kinda, scratch that, really angry. Didn't mean to inuslt CoLd BlooDed or SeverianOfUrth. Wont happen again. Although I stil think SeverianOfUrth should lay off with all due respect. Sorry CoLd, sorry Severiano, wont happen again. (hopefully):)
2:29 am | June 21, 2004
I agree with CoLd BlooDed on the whole 'izzle' thing and romac but I think you guys should just let him be as annoying as he is. Plus he's just talking, you cant blame a guy for talking no matter how wierd or pointless it may be.
2:29 am | June 21, 2004
2:15 am | June 21, 2004
you know what CoLdblodEd-or however the hell you spell your name. Just cuz you've been here longer than me you think you can tell people to listen to you becuase you've been here longer than me. But you just have a problem with the way I talk because it's "different" because your a paranoid little bastard that is afraid to do anything out of the normal. I find it hard to believe that I can's talk normally on a comments page because of a bunch of little white boys that wont shut the hell up about the way I talk. Damn! If you are so sick and so fucking tired of reading my comments, then when you see my name just skip right over it you dumb fuck. And im sure I'm gonna get all your friends to say stuff to me like-hey dont talk to him like that!-ima kick your ass-he s VETERAN!. OHH WOW! Your a veteran! Lets all kiss your feet and bow down before the almighty veteran whos been here for a whole YEAR! WOW! Shit, you just need to shut the fuck up. I can just imagine it, a few hours from now there is gonna be a bombardment of death threats from your so-called friends whom you never met. Yea you needs a whole bunch a people to back you up bitch
PS and just to piss you off: yous a gizzle assizzle mizzle fizzle dizzle bizzle whoizzle sucksizzles hisizzles mommyizzles fuckingizzles strapizzle onizzle
CoLd BlooDed
1:57 am | June 21, 2004
So you really say "I'm backizzle fa shizzle ma nizzle tizzle mizzle wizzle tizzle bizzle roomizzle isizzle my nizzle" in real life? Yeah, sure, romac, way to make sense.
I'm pretty sure you say that. And seriously, YOU back off, Severian didn't do anything besides judging that "joke" on his story comments. For anything, you should be apologizing for taking the time to clutter up Severians story comments.
Since I've been here for a long time, you should actually listen. But - God forbid - you just might not and continue to spam useless pieces of shit.
12:39 am | June 21, 2004
Not that its any of your FUCKING buisness, but romac is what my family and friends call me. My name is Ronald McIntosh, and thats my nickname.And its not FUCKING joke, im just talking. And typing is the way I talk, it reflects the way I communicate in the real world. There is no FUCKING joke. Now you didnt see me calling you a FUCKING idiot until you dissed me did you? TALKINg and TYPING are very similar, since you cant talk on the comments page what you type is what you would say if you were really talking. NOW back the FUCK off of me.
*sigh* DAMN!
12:39 am | June 21, 2004
Not that its any of your FUCKING buisness, but romac is what my family and friends call me. My name is Ronald McIntosh, and thats my nickname.And its not FUCKING joke, im just talking. And typing is the way I talk, it reflects the way I communicate in the real world. There is no FUCKING joke. Now you didnt see me calling you a FUCKING idiot until you dissed me did you? TALKINg and TYPING are very similar, since you cant talk on the comments page what you type is what you would say if you were really talking. NOW back the FUCK off of me.
*sigh* DAMN!
12:38 am | June 21, 2004
Actually, I'm not judging you on the way you communicate. I'm judging your lame little jokes.
12:32 am | June 21, 2004
What the hell does romac(random numbers) mean? I can't judge you on the way you TALK, but when you are TYPING its different. What the hell is the point of going, "izzletittizzle" mean, when you can just say "titties?" Actually, no. What I just typed is stupid. The fact, the real fact, is that it's just not funny. It's just annoying.
12:25 am | June 21, 2004
i'll say what I want to anyone who calls me a "fucking idiot" because of the way I talk. That is very low and shallow judging someone by the way they talk and communicate.
CoLd BlooDed
12:16 am | June 21, 2004
Thanks, MCC, 'preciate it. :)
MC's Cousin
12:07 am | June 21, 2004
*stands behind CoLd, backing him*
Signing Off
10:53 pm | June 20, 2004
well maybe people with the name of SeverianofUrth are fucking idiots.What the hell does SeverianofUrth mean fucktard?
10:50 pm | June 20, 2004
People who actually take the time to spell out "fizzle" and such are just fucking idiots.
CoLd BlooDed
10:28 pm | June 20, 2004
No, it's not a problem for anybody to like Halo, I'm just saying, it's getting annoying from GangstaPimpDaddy (but you said that was you, right?).
Still, it seems pretty "wannabe-ish", people don't come to HBO to see how many letters of the alphabet they can fit into "izzle".
8:38 pm | June 20, 2004
It shouldn't be... 'course, I don't know about Cold, but the only people I've ever personally known who use the "izzle" suffix are skinny little white boys like myself. And a few Asians.
9:45 am | June 20, 2004
Dosnt really care? Oh, NOW they tell me. I only split up ch. 3 of my story because it went WAY over the posted limit...I think like 70k and 6000 words and counting...grrrrrrrr
5:11 am | June 20, 2004
has it ever occured to you that I might..stay with me here...be black. Is that so outrageous for a black man to like Halo? is It?
5:11 am | June 20, 2004
has it ever occured to you that I might..stay with me here...be black. Is that so outrageous for a black man to like Halo? is It?
CoLd BlooDed
4:44 am | June 20, 2004
Dude, it's not funny anymore, you're just seemin' like a black wannabe.
3:16 am | June 20, 2004
Sup yal gizzles! Im backizzle fa shizzle ma nizzle tizzle mizzle wizzle tizzle bizzle roomizzle isizzle my nizzle. Peace!
The One
The Only
The Authentic
CoLd BlooDed
10:51 pm | June 19, 2004
He really doesn't care about the file size, personally, 32k is too small.
11:31 am | June 19, 2004
hey I need a question answered ASAP
I was wondering about submitting fan fic. It says that it cant be longer than 32k. and my story is 32k exactly. However I knew that I've seen longer storys. So I typed in Wado and chose one of the Archon stories. I copied it and pasted it onto word and went to my documents and it said that the document was 52K. just how do people submit fan fics so large without them getting rejected?
5:06 am | June 19, 2004
hahaha jedis...that was a good touch.
MC's Cousin
7:44 pm | June 18, 2004
Pretty good. Intersting for sure. Hmm...actually I'm not sure what to say about this one. I'll have to give myself time to digest it.
Signing Off
4:44 pm | June 18, 2004
I don't know. I think I've so far wrote only three good pieces of fiction so far: my orphan story, the second story I ever did, and the one about the junkie trapped with a bunch of flood.
Nick Kang
3:03 pm | June 18, 2004
Yes, indeed, it was better than your usual stuff.
3:00 pm | June 18, 2004
Hmm, i don't know bout this one.
12:27 pm | June 18, 2004
This was pretty good, i´ll give it a