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Comments for 'All Roads Lead To Sol...But Unfortunately Not Away: Chapter 23' |
9:57 pm | July 15, 2004
no dave im from america. and i said the same thing in another comment board :)
10:24 am | July 14, 2004
thanks man
i probably wont incorporate it until i start book two
10:39 pm | July 13, 2004
Italics: To italicize a block of text, place a [i] before it and a [/i] after it.
Bold: To make text bold, place a [b] before it and a [/b] after it.
Paragraph Indent: To indent a paragraph, simply place a [indent] at the start of it. (Do NOT hit return after this code; if you do, the indent will be invisible on the line ABOVE the paragraph.)
Horizontal Rule: To place a horizontal rule in your story, simply place a [hr] on a line by itself in the location you'd like the rule to appear.
There you go. Limited, but it's better than nothing, eh?
11:26 am | July 13, 2004
code? you mean like italics, bold type and tabs?
dont know how to do them!
which is annoying, because how i have it in Word looks so much better than it does in HBO format
so if anyone could tell me how to make it look like a proper book would be helpful, thanks guys
Dave Luck
5:22 pm | July 12, 2004
Hey, there's another Dave here!
Are you Schroder from Germany? No. He doesn't type like that, but for a second I thought you were. His nickname was 'Dave,' because he hated his full title.
Anyhow, I just wanted to say, the story formatting is right. Just, where's the code?
- Dave.
6:29 pm | July 11, 2004
man that was great. i thougth that it would never come. good job!
6:12 pm | July 11, 2004
wow, cheers for the feedback guys.
and in answer to your question Agent Shade, he was drugged and doesnt really know what to think. you'll get the emotionally charged Manny in Chapter 24
11:56 am | July 11, 2004
Outstanding. Have to feel kinda bad about him leaving Sarah and all but eh, stuff happens.
There were typing errors smattered about in there but they didn't interfere with the quality of the story.
Cheers, S7N. I look forward to your next work.
Agent Shade
4:17 am | July 11, 2004
i really have just one question. may sound stupid, but being nearly 2:00 in the morning here, i am slightly confused...
Why would Manny simply ditch the "good" life as a marine he once had within a matter of seconds? from what i read, he didn't even consider his friends or anything. i'm sorry if you mentioned this, but i was just curious
regardless, well done, please continue ASAP
12:34 am | July 11, 2004
What more cNA i say besides it was amazing...
No one
8:53 pm | July 10, 2004
Yeah i liked it to. Keep it up.
7:57 pm | July 10, 2004
I like your story keep writing.
5:40 pm | July 10, 2004
Glad you're back S7N. I can remember when I read the first part of this story, and I thought, "Damn, this guy's a good writer."
3:11 pm | July 10, 2004
i dunno
1:42 pm | July 10, 2004
Thank God. I was worried it would never come, and you gave up after the last one. *Puts on Pocket PC* Also, what will this next piece be named?
1:24 pm | July 10, 2004
hey guys, sorry this chapter took so long.
as you can see the story has had a cool turn of events and you'll expect the next five or six chapters (which will be the LAST in this series i'm afraid) to be very cool and cool...did i mention its going to be cool?
dont worry though, after i finish this i'll start on my next piece which is a part-continuation, part-new story. it will have some of the old characters (i'm not saying which ones) back in it, and some cool new ones
man i gotta stop saying COOL