
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'First Contact; Chapter 3: First Blood'

Hidden Assassin
6:18 pm | July 28, 2003
I was just wondering if you've read M31: First Blood because of the title of Chapter 3.
8:22 pm | July 26, 2003
Good stuff once again.
5:06 pm | July 25, 2003
I like how it had that Independence Day-like scene when all the alien fighters flew from the ship once the human planes began attacking them. 9.5/10
2:15 pm | July 25, 2003
Oh yeah! That was tight! I especially liked the way you put that part in that reminded me of Keyes and Cortana on the POA. Keep 'em coming! :]
12:41 pm | July 25, 2003
Once more, good stuff. I see you formatted a lot better, keep up the good work.
