
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'First Contact; Chapter 1: Harvest'

1:41 pm | July 23, 2003
[indent] Grammer Problems aside, [b]great[/b] story.
There was a[i]tiny[/i] problem:
This is what that Golden Elite said:
"Your destruction is the will of the Gods, and we are their instrument."

7:28 pm | July 22, 2003
Really good man. James is right about the Covenant quote. Other than that it was great.
6:36 pm | July 22, 2003
i like how this story is actually somewhat original compared to the others going on right now. my only problem was the colonists coming from Reach, which was a very secure military secret.
11:56 am | July 22, 2003
yeah i did try to italicize the ship names and thoughts but when i copied from word, i guess it didnt carry over. about the covenant quote i wasnt sure about what they actually said, since i only had the halo guide, and my crappy wireless network wasnt working so i just tried to remember it. thanks for good rating!

to pronounce retsamolah... try reading it backwards...
12:07 am | July 22, 2003
hehe, halomaster
10:37 pm | July 21, 2003
Yeah, I agree with Steele on the italcize([i],[/i] and indent rule, it just makes your story more enjoyable. And with James on the "Your destruction is the will of the gods, and we are their instrument." But it was agreat story: 9.5/10
10:06 pm | July 21, 2003
I like the story but there was an innconsistancy with th Halo story. The words the Covenant say when they make first contact are: "Your destruction is the will of the gods, and we are their instrument". Aside from that great story.
10:05 pm | July 21, 2003
Good stuff, man. I really liked it. 9.5/10. There were a few grammar problems, but most were very subtle. You do know to indent and italicize on the form. You should italicize thoughts and ship's names. But good stuff.

How do you pronounce your name.
