
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Last Stand'

2:31 pm | June 8, 2003
That wasn't bad. Not bad at all.


Wiley K.
6:45 pm | May 30, 2003
12:43 pm | May 30, 2003
i wanna win the 9.5 award! Red, go and read my ONI Black Ops Part Nine. that goes for the rest of you. go read it!
8:33 pm | May 29, 2003
The real Wu probably likes this... 8.5/10. It is nice that the UNSC is again kicking ass but your language was a little bit repetetive (namely the word devised). Work on a little word variety and you can earn the coeveted (or not) "9.5 from Red award!"... Also, I thought the names were good, chances are that each nations would fund its own space ship (I suppose), but you should have
11:35 am | May 29, 2003
Good stroy. The ship names were very differnt thou.
1:51 am | May 29, 2003
It's nearing the end of sophmore year, so I should be back to writing fan fiction pretty soon :). I've been working on flash animation, check out my first video at me and my friends site, www.smosh.com. It's titled "Wheelchair Boy" and it's a comedy of course. Name's of these ships are kinda intresting aren't they?
10:46 pm | May 28, 2003
lollipop lolipop lolipop lop
8:54 pm | May 28, 2003
I did, but ah It didn't show up on the thing but in my document they are

And well for capitlization oops
6:03 pm | May 28, 2003
well first off you said slavaged way too much. this story would also be a ton more interesting if you used better descriptive words. italicise ship names. use this advise and your next story will kick ass
Anthony Coronado
5:47 pm | May 28, 2003
A bit of advice, use proper capitalization and punctuation, it helps a lot and keeps the reader interested. For example, I didn't even finish your story cause I was uninterested halfway through it.
1:39 pm | May 28, 2003
10/10 Funny names for ships but what can you do? Its also about time someone wrote about humans kickin ass in space.
