
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Copper Sky'

11:44 am | April 27, 2003
Well, he did it for two reasons: because he had nothing better to do and because he wanted people to read it.

Like me...btw, the poem is very good, Red Loser. Although it's a poem (and poems have great detail), this one had a very good amount of it.

10/10 (Why are people rating stories using numbers...wait, I started that. I should be happy, :) )
John Morris
7:39 pm | April 26, 2003
Wow do you belong to the rainbow collilation? that was pointless, I just didn't get why you would write a poem about halo, please write a story, or call me I might need an interion decorator. I don't swing that way so my artistic skills suck.
12:52 am | April 26, 2003
Grrr...damned HTML!! (I THINK it's HTML).
12:52 am | April 26, 2003
12:50 am | April 26, 2003
What he means is that what he wrote [i]wasn't[/i] a sonnet, but almost like one.
8:38 pm | April 25, 2003
In English?
Red Loser
1:44 am | April 25, 2003
It's not a sonnet.

Sonnets, or at least Shakesperean sonnets, have two stanzas, the first of eight lines and the second of six. The entire poem is written in iambic pentameter with an ABABCDCDEFEFGG rhyme scheme for the entire poem.

My poem has a great many stanzas, each of four (and occasionally five for emphasis) lines. The meter generally alternates by line between iambic tetrameter and trimeter. The rhyme scheme is ABAB per stanza.
4:26 pm | April 20, 2003
Ok, I just reead it, and Red Loser, it's almost a sonnet, 'cept sonnets only have three quatrains(three groups of four lines), and after that, two lines that rhyme with eachother. Good luck on the next bunch.
10:33 pm | April 19, 2003
Good stuff here 10/10, keep it up.
8:42 pm | April 19, 2003
hahaha...That was pretty good. I never thought I would really enjoy a poem, but I liked this one. Keep it up.
Arthur Wellesly
6:00 pm | April 19, 2003
This was a pretty great poem, keep it up.
5:49 pm | April 19, 2003
English class 101. who'd ever thought Halo could be so educational??? wow.
Red Loser
4:59 pm | April 19, 2003
Sonnets, eh? That sounds like a challenge...
Red Loser
11:33 am | April 19, 2003
No need to change names, Red...that is a quality name.

The title "Copper Sky" comes from Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner." The meter in my poem is a simplified version of that used by Coleridge.
2:02 am | April 19, 2003
I heard about this a few days ago. Try writing Sonnets, they're hella hard. I began to write a halo sonnet, but I was like"wait...why the hell am I writing a freakin halo sonnet?" Then I threw the paper in the shredder.
James Kinsella
8:54 pm | April 18, 2003
Pretty good. 9/10
6:41 pm | April 18, 2003
I've never wrote a poem before, so I guess it was good.
6:05 pm | April 18, 2003
oops, that's me below.
6:02 pm | April 18, 2003
oh hells ya. this is i think the first piece ive read from you and its excellent. prob the longest poem ive ever seen at HBO, the lyrics flow together well. Everything rhymes and it doesnt seem awkward. the only part that was shaky was the third stanza last line. Very professional. and i dont know how u came up with the title but it was weird enough to get me to read the poem.
5:18 pm | April 18, 2003
good stuff.
4:57 pm | April 18, 2003
I can't really give a lengthy reply to a poem because I am bad at writing poems, so I have no advice at all. At least I think this is supposed to be a poem, but in any case... Do you want me to change my name? I could make it Blue or something if you wanted, you sorta already took Red...
Shadow Spartan
4:24 pm | April 18, 2003
well done Red, well done, this was really good 10/10
Red Loser
12:05 pm | April 18, 2003
This is part I of X. The first half of this appeared on the forum two days ago.

Hope you enjoy it. (And thanks to Louis for circuiting the system.)
