
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Society'

Pupu Anulproabmee
8:58 pm | June 23, 2004
Thanks. I thought people wouldn't like it that much. I just enjoy typing stories. I'd like to say something about that 'horny people' thing. My best friend, Aaron, and I were helping my friend Michael rake leafs and stuff. He said be careful with the rake and be serious, so we started beating the leaves with a rake, and thats when I said that thing.
1:44 am | June 21, 2004
hey hey hey, not too shabby here. i found it weirdly amusing. good job
10:39 am | June 20, 2004
Ha ha......ha
CoLd BlooDed
9:09 pm | June 19, 2004
Hehehe, I liked it. Especially where the Master Chief died after saying "We will live to fight another day."

Good job on doing the code on the first try, too.
343 Salty Beans
11:51 am | June 19, 2004
Three words for an overview: What. The. Hell?

I suppose it doesn't have to make sense, being a comedy and all.

And like Nick, this is a gem because of the code on the first try! Congrats, you read the form, unlike others.

A few grammatical errors, and that's it.

11:00 am | June 19, 2004
I liked it.
6:45 am | June 19, 2004
Looks like I set a trend....
Solidus Snake
6:23 pm | June 18, 2004
I guess I go with everyone else

4:48 pm | June 18, 2004
Do covenant use TV screens, and news broadcasts? I doubt it. But you used the code... Although I doubt this is your first story. Names and e-mail addresses can be changed.

someone that you dont know
3:21 pm | June 18, 2004
Funny, i have to say, but then it is a comedy correct? Carrying on. It was good, the whole president thing and the hell ordeal was funny. Good first attempt, keep it up. 7/10
Nick Kang
12:36 pm | June 18, 2004
One of two first stories I've ever seen that used the code.


12:03 pm | June 18, 2004
