
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Headwaters of the Flood'

1:38 pm | March 18, 2003
6/10 is generous... This theory was interestingly lame... Were did the Fooderians come from and how did you figure that they were in Halo? Whatever...
1:38 pm | March 18, 2003
6/10 is generous... This theory was interestingly lame... Were did the Fooderians come from and how did you figure that they were in Halo? Whatever...
1:32 am | March 18, 2003
Ok not the best 6/10.
1:32 am | March 18, 2003
Ok not the best 6/10.
11:35 pm | March 17, 2003
should i be using the comment section to respond to the comments of others? Until someone slaps my wrist i'll go ahead.

Blake: Yeah, i'm the same guy.

Steele: I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my little fiction. But I'm not sure how your views on the origins of the flood help to refine and improve upon my own. Guess i'm just new to this whole thing.
11:35 pm | March 17, 2003
should i be using the comment section to respond to the comments of others? Until someone slaps my wrist i'll go ahead.

Blake: Yeah, i'm the same guy.

Steele: I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my little fiction. But I'm not sure how your views on the origins of the flood help to refine and improve upon my own. Guess i'm just new to this whole thing.
12:47 pm | March 17, 2003
great story. Looking forward to more. Also, like Steele said, you had some interesting theories. Oh, btw, are you the opie301 from GW?
12:47 pm | March 17, 2003
great story. Looking forward to more. Also, like Steele said, you had some interesting theories. Oh, btw, are you the opie301 from GW?
12:20 pm | March 17, 2003
'Interesting' Theory. In my well respected and considered opinion, I beleive the Flood was a weapon. One used kinda like bio and gas stuff. But it turned out to be alot more effective than hoped, and did something to the Forerunner, causing them to die (in which case they mangaed to trap them, but not wipe'em out before they died) or Caused them to flee, to another galaxy or get stuck in slipstream. Still that doesn't explain the halo's or anything. But maybe they were advanced research stations with an alternate abilitly of destruciton to stop the Flood from escaping.
12:20 pm | March 17, 2003
'Interesting' Theory. In my well respected and considered opinion, I beleive the Flood was a weapon. One used kinda like bio and gas stuff. But it turned out to be alot more effective than hoped, and did something to the Forerunner, causing them to die (in which case they mangaed to trap them, but not wipe'em out before they died) or Caused them to flee, to another galaxy or get stuck in slipstream. Still that doesn't explain the halo's or anything. But maybe they were advanced research stations with an alternate abilitly of destruciton to stop the Flood from escaping.
