
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Last Resort Part 2 - Return to the Library'

3:40 am | March 5, 2004
I have 2 agree with both bafoons i mean gentlemens
ur spelling is sumwat bad...spell check is ur best friend!
CoLd BlooDed
6:27 pm | March 4, 2004
That was really...wierd. You seem to have alot of problems with spelling and flow. Too short, as well. I didn't want to keep reading either, because of the grammar and spelling errors. Like MC said:

Try again.
MC's Cousin
6:13 pm | March 3, 2004
Yeah, definetely sounded like a big case of writers block. Something crutial was missing. It passed at ligth speed and I didn't want to keep reading. Flow was kinda jumpy, and detail was lacking. It might have been able to bee good but I just couldn't get into that at all. Try Again.

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