
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Shadow Ops II: Nowhere to Run, Chapter Six'

12:33 pm | November 14, 2003
I got it, me and Nemesis need to get together and make a movie. We'll hammer out a deep story...and i'll produce and direct it while he adds his own unique visual effects.
2:08 am | November 14, 2003
amen Mainevent, amen
10:41 pm | November 13, 2003
frickin awesome
one of the best series ive read
just like the first one
9:53 pm | November 13, 2003
I'm series though, or at least get a movie deal :-P
9:53 pm | November 13, 2003
Serious, I think thats it.
9:38 pm | November 13, 2003
lol to both you Ish and Mainevent
Sergeant B
9:36 pm | November 13, 2003
1) You can stop using "fuck" now...
2) Nice story. Really good. And I didn't get first post!
9:29 pm | November 13, 2003
Stop writing this story right now. Then go to a game company and turn this into a game lol, you really should write a plot, I know I would rush out and spend $50 on it, and this is coming from the guy who waits a year for the price to go down to $30 lol. Very nice story and it really is awesome, or Fucking awesome, just fucking awesome!
9:09 pm | November 13, 2003
Added to the moment my ass... "Fucking Jesus Christ"...come on, who says that, I mean, really. ;)

You just wanted to say it didn't you, it's okay, you can admit it. I won't tell.
7:43 pm | November 13, 2003
okay, who wouldn't be freaking out if the entire UNSC is looking for you, one of you team mates ratted you out, and a good friend of yours is dead...sorry bout the words, but they added to the moment
Kyre (dark beam)
4:48 pm | November 13, 2003
Oh my... that's not good, who said that last sentence??? As usual quite flawless. As steve said, lots of the f-word (not that it's a problem).
Steve Ollett
3:27 pm | November 13, 2003
I think that you win the award for the most gratuitous use of the word 'fuck' (and it variations of) in your latest piece.

(Just like in The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy book 3 or 4 - can't remember which one it was.)

Overall a good piece to usual high standard.

