
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'An Elites Legend: part 2'

Neco Divad
7:56 pm | November 5, 2002
This isn't working. Just cut and paste.
Neco Divad
7:54 pm | November 5, 2002
I've created a site for anyone in or near Naples, Florida. Link to it here. [link]http://www.bungie.net/perlbin/blam.pl?file=%2Ffanclub%2F3345%2F&submit=Go[/link]
Neco Divad
7:54 pm | November 5, 2002
I've created a site for anyone in or near Naples, Florida. Likk to it here. http://www.bungie.net/perlbin/blam.pl?file=%2Ffanclub%2F3345%2F&submit=Go
Flood impalor
5:30 pm | November 3, 2002
Gruntkillers series are my top favorite.
Neco Divad
8:50 am | November 3, 2002
I'm almost done with part 3. Yes he survuves. That's all I can say.
11:28 pm | November 2, 2002
do not fear, saturn is here! dont look so blue, maybe catchy titles will get u more readers. patience...
11:19 pm | November 2, 2002
GUesses it will be Wado's story.
Lord Dagon
6:15 pm | November 2, 2002
I meant series not stories.
Lord Dagon
6:15 pm | November 2, 2002
What's your first favorite stories Impalor?Good story Divad.
Flood impalor
3:18 pm | November 2, 2002
Dont feel down, i like it. i also liked your Cooking covies: marine field guide.i know thats not what you call it, but its good.
Flood impalor
2:44 pm | November 2, 2002
it is my second favorite series!
Flood impalor
2:44 pm | November 2, 2002
I like it
Neco Divad
10:18 am | November 2, 2002
No one every posts their oppinions about my stories. What's the deal?
Neco Divad
8:44 pm | November 1, 2002
I realised after I posted the story that some people might think I messed up a little. I said that SC occurses after TaR. I meant that there will be heavy fighting. Not that there has been. Tell me what you think of it otherwise. I'll try to make my other stories longer.
