
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Plasma Burns and Bullet Shells-chapter 2'

2:11 am | October 19, 2003
Ya, Bustrum shot him and I meant by blackness by the end of his life.
8:20 pm | October 18, 2003
Did Sagat die or not?
2:15 pm | October 18, 2003
Yes, the missing quotation marks were a bit of a problem. The story outside of this is great, but I can never tell when someone is speaking until it actually says so. Always put the quotation marks before a character speaks and after they're finished. Here, if this helps at all:

"John, do you know where we're going?" asked Cortana.

"No, but we'll find out," John answered hastily.

Something like that. If you are unfamiliar with this, let me know, and someone can tell you, if not me.
1:35 am | October 18, 2003
Cool story full of action and and covenant deaths (cool).
8:54 pm | October 17, 2003
" "-Called quotation marks. Please begin using them.

Otherwise, good.
7:28 pm | October 17, 2003
Javier Fernandez-vina
1:14 pm | October 17, 2003
Those bastards, they have snipers now.One of our only advantages destroyed.Steal them.
12:54 pm | October 17, 2003
This is great, keep it up
