
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Jonson Chronicles: Chapter 1:Boarding Parties'

4:52 am | December 4, 2003
Is this Johnson that was in HTF, or is this your own guy? cause Johnson is spelled with a "H" before the "N", just sayin, it was good though, really good just fix spelling and grammer and you got your self an awesome series.
12:36 pm | December 3, 2003
Great story Matt. Just like you said it was in spanish. A few grammer mistakes but i love it and cant wait till the next one.
6:38 am | December 3, 2003
hey this was good, like great storyline and everything, just a few spelling erorrs here and there. maybe even make it a bit more detailed and longer, but anyway its your choice. looking forward to the next one. 8/10
