
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Part I: The Arriaval'

4:14 am | January 11, 2004
But you don't need Halo. Witelancer's story gives you all you need to know.
4:47 am | January 6, 2004
12th division 8th platoon / that isn't right
try 12th division, Raider brigade, 8th Battalion, Charlie company 3rd platoon. I don't believe a compnay has more than maybe 4 platoons, and i'm not even that sure bout it. they really don't have 8.
it was ok, kinda short

i know i've left ya'll waiting for my next chapter for battle for tectron, but i'm back in college and free time is limited. just be patient, i also just got Halo for PC, so my stories will be better
Inept Zombie
7:52 pm | January 5, 2004
Oh....What'll you know? I just wrote something exactly like this called Arrival. I assure you I had not read this when I wrote mine. Good job.
