
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'In Chaos and Despair: Escape to Earth'

12:31 pm | March 8, 2004
oops... I must not've saved after I changed that. EEEK!
CoLd BlooDed
5:39 am | March 7, 2004
Yeah Thomas is right, should be:

"I'm here because the Sergeant told me to come."

Or something like that.
1:23 pm | March 6, 2004
some places were better than others. but most of them were good. but one thing i have to point out is that when u wrote "I'm here because one of the sergeants told me to go up here" in a way it dosent sound right. this just a suggestion but next time do tyhis instead, " I'm here because the sergeants told me to come up here." it may just be me but i think that sounds better....but hey thats just me.
