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Comments for 'Countdown Earth: Hour Five and Thirty Minutes' |
CoLd BlooDed
4:29 am | November 19, 2003
Lol, I know its a nieusance if people keep on posting on other peoples stories...lol, but Mainevent and Walker and anybody else who wants to if you guys feel like it read another story I posted a little while ago called...Invasion of X41, theres only two stories of the series I've written so far.
2:26 am | November 19, 2003
Okay, I'll check it out.
CoLd BlooDed
11:33 pm | November 18, 2003
Hey Walker, you should read my story, criticize it all you want it will help me improve on writing. Don't worry I won't cuss at you, lol, I just read the comments of Unorthidox Everything man and jeez, that was almost as bad as Nightblade.
7:07 pm | November 18, 2003
Stupid n00b schmucks... you're the only one to read their story, give them an 8, and they cuss you out.. jeeze.
12:56 pm | November 18, 2003
COTGB? Uh... *looks around nervously, eyes the door, and dashes for it before MasterGrunt can hold him down* Well, actually, I'm about halfway through with the chapter--and maybe the series. This one is kinda boring to me, but hey, that's the rest of them, too. Just wait till I come out with my series about Pelican drivers!
Semper Fi
CoLd BlooDed
12:38 pm | November 18, 2003
haha sorry it didn't appear when i wrote the first time so i wrote a second
12:33 pm | November 18, 2003
Where is it?
12:02 pm | November 18, 2003
Man below just loves Grunts dosent he. Anyways, great story. I'm glad you had it be a human gettin shot too. Not that thats a good thing or anything. But great job. oh and umm...the second ch. of my new story is in.
CoLd BlooDed
12:00 pm | November 18, 2003
great story, you have an awesome vocabulary haha. Can't wait for the next story, and if your not busy read one of my stories that I just posted called Fight for New Tatley.
CoLd BlooDed
12:00 pm | November 18, 2003
Mainevent this is a great story, 10/10, i cant wait for the other ones to come out. Also if you have time then read the story I just posted called Fight for New Tatley.
CoLd BlooDed
12:00 pm | November 18, 2003
Mainevent do u hav a B.net account
3:22 am | November 18, 2003
I already got the title and Chapter One written.
2:01 am | November 18, 2003
You can call it Bit Mutha Truckas..
I mean you may get sued, but it'll be a hell of a story.
11:44 pm | November 17, 2003
When is walker coming out with the next COTGB.
10:43 pm | November 17, 2003
Great story Mainevent. Like Blue Angel said that was an amazing show of valor from Taki. 10/10
10:36 pm | November 17, 2003
Thanks guys. Taki could do right, or he could do wrong, it doesn't really matter, either way he's breaking the chain of command. And yes, I did implement what you said, and there is an untold reason that the "covenant" was actually so large. You'll find out later in the story.
10:25 pm | November 17, 2003
I feel a sesne of foreboding, seeing Taki's joy at command... seems like one of those first steps to "The Dark Side". Oh, and I'm pleased to see that you took my suggestion and wrote it in. Very nice, in all.
Semper Fi
PS: It IS Colombia, not Columbia. That's DC, he was talking about the country.
Blue Angel
2:51 pm | November 17, 2003
very good better than me. very well written. i have to say taki is a true man of valor for doing such a thing as that. same as my brother chris.
Blue Angel
2:50 pm | November 17, 2003
Columbia not Colombia still reading
Blue Angel
2:14 pm | November 17, 2003
i read the one you told me to read and i thought damn, its alot like 24 off of fox but in the future. and with aliens, and marines on warthogs. good story cant wait to read the next!!!!!!!!!! :)