
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'On Their Shields: The Exodus'

Danny Hill
2:45 am | October 22, 2002
awesome story i want more...e-mail me when you make the next one.i want to be one of the first to read itnEo_Matrix2088@hotmail.com
12:52 pm | October 19, 2002
Pretty good.
8:36 pm | October 9, 2002
Yeah, man! I want another friggin' chapter!
Elite who killed Spartan8934
2:11 am | October 7, 2002
It sucks...
John Spartan117 (Masterchief)
7:35 pm | October 6, 2002
When are you going to make your next story.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5:35 pm | October 6, 2002
I have to agree with that guy. Mad Jackal is pretty nerdy. But nonetheless, his stories are pretty good.
3:47 pm | October 6, 2002
I'm 12.
4:32 am | October 6, 2002
yah...Eric Nylund...lol (nice try you freaking 10 year old bastard immitater.)
6:21 pm | October 5, 2002
Ya know, this guy is kind of a nerd...
Eric Nylund
5:44 pm | October 5, 2002
You are not allowed to use my dating system without my permission. Also, your story sucked.
2:04 am | October 5, 2002
Yeah. I guess you're right. And fall of reach is a good book.
6:45 pm | October 1, 2002
i loved it i liked the title, it reflected on what the actual spartan order was about, victory or death
2:38 am | October 1, 2002
this is some great writing, good action, excellent flow, and believable situations. keep up the good work i'm looking forward to the rest of the series
1:01 am | October 1, 2002
First, let me thank everyone who took time off to read my story and get a chance to comment on it. To Anonymous, while I did use the dating system from Eric Nylund's excellent book " The Fall of Reach " , I did NOT copy any scenes from same source. I credit Mr. Nylund with providing an excellent springboard for fanfic writers such as myself to be able to add to the HALO universe.To Wado, yes the title is from the old Spartan quote: " Return on your feet or on your shield. "It was the traditional blessing of the Spartan wife before her husband went off to war. This series will continue to explore the fates of those Spartans after the fall of Reach...
Spartan415 (MM
9:39 pm | September 30, 2002
I like how you started. The length with quiality changed into a summarizing format would've been kinda better for the beggining.
9:12 pm | September 30, 2002
You're copying some of that stuff from fall of reach, aren't you?
7:51 pm | September 30, 2002
Very good job here, but I have to agree with diablo. It was an okay story, and number two, length is good as long as it keeps quality.
7:39 pm | September 30, 2002
the story was alright, but i would have prefered a smaller part for the beginning.(but i know thats just me)
7:14 pm | September 30, 2002
Is the title of this series as in the Spartan saying whereas the warriors would come back "on their shields" (dead) rather than retreat?
