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Comments for 'Halo 2: Revenge of a Spartan, Chapter 10' |
2:30 pm | January 8, 2004
awesome story.... 10/10 cant wait till the next one... and u didnt kill the story, because if anything cortana could tap into the covenant battle net if he HAD to disarm the bomb so there u go
keep it up
9:54 pm | September 24, 2003
Fantastic story but, did you have to kill all the grunts. You ruined the entire story. Just kidding. 10/10. This is for Dispraiser. I am suprised one of your experience and ability would put down this story. Why couldn't the grunts ally themselves with the humans. Any one who's ever read Halo: The Flood knows that grunts aren't exactly gungho on fighting alonside the covenant. Besides if somebody kept treating you like crap would you stay loyal to them? As for dropping their beliefs, the grunts Don't share, I repeat Don't share the same beliefs that the Elites and prophets do. They are just some weak race that basically got absorbed into the covenant culture. Kinda like the great melting pot if you know what I mean.
11:54 am | September 24, 2003
Yes...but that's pretty much the concept of fan fics, isn't it? It's FICTION. Not based on a real-life story. It can be as wild and insane as you want it to be. Hell, one of these days someone will make a fan fic that claims the Master Chief's head has been replaced with a spherical toaster and the Covenant are actually a bunch of Amish folk dressed in costumes.
I do agree with you...this is probably not even CLOSE to Bungie's planned story. But it's only MY story, I'm only speculating, I'm not blatantly saying "THIS IS HOW HALO 2 IS GOING TO BE!". Is that so blasphemous to do? Are a horde of Halo-ites going to come after me with torches and pitchforks? Doubtful.
Dan Lo
2:00 am | September 24, 2003
kick a$$ story! 10/10! cant wait 2 read the next 1. keep it up LostRock.
10:57 pm | September 23, 2003
I don't get why people don't udnerstand the simple concept or originality. Sure it's original to have the Grunts on MC's side, but i doubt they woudl suddenly drop their beliefs, religion, their hell bent determination on killing humans, ect all for some little reason. The thing that i hated most about this fanfic was that it was about Halo 2. Halo 2 is BUNGIE's game, and it is not yours and I can guarauntee you that almost nothing in this fanfic will happen in the game making your fanfic irrelevent and wrong.
10:55 pm | September 22, 2003
check here once in a while for updates on the latest fan fic.
6:52 pm | September 22, 2003
ya good 9.99/10
Sergeant B
10:10 am | September 22, 2003
I still don't get it. Why would grunts be on the human side? Otherwise, bravo!