
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Price of Glory Pt. 2'

7:26 pm | July 15, 2004
Just out of curiosity? Where did you get the name "Utroska" ? reason being my family name is Utroska.
9:45 pm | August 1, 2003
wow, didn't know the Kiowa would last 600 years from now. anyone by then who was kiowa would be white.
Agent Shade
1:37 pm | June 27, 2003
hey loserman, are you somehow related to pooman and assman? lol, this was a kick ass story, very well detailed, please keep it up 9/10
4:55 pm | June 26, 2003
This is a good series, keep up the good work...i'd give this an 8.5/10
