
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'After Halo pt. 3 Chapter 3: The Admiral'

Kyle (Mocking Spartan8934)
1:48 am | October 12, 2002
"And 'Sheesh' isn't a real word.
Major Elite 1
1:48 am | October 12, 2002
Cut it with the grammar crap already!
1:46 am | October 12, 2002
It's maYBE! Not MaBYE!! Sheesh!
1:46 am | October 12, 2002
Mabye you can finish it. Hey, how come few people have posted lately?
Commander elite 8721
9:09 pm | October 11, 2002
Hey, Kyle! Can I finish your series?
10:06 pm | October 10, 2002
BTW my AOTCR novelization will be my last fanfic.
11:18 am | October 9, 2002
You make it sound like you have done everything in the AOTCR level. So I guess you won't be reading it.
11:29 am | October 8, 2002
btw, I was talking about the Assult on the Control Room novel.
11:29 am | October 8, 2002
If you write something I've already done on a game, I will make an effort not to read it.
7:35 am | October 7, 2002
The writing seems to have matured a bit. I would say that you are getting better at writing but at the same time the plot seems a bit forced, not as spontaneous. Can't really explain, just maybe put a little more thought into the names of places and ships. Anyway, keep writing.
10:42 pm | October 6, 2002
O.K. I'll use the space key in my Assault on Control Room novel. Gotit?
10:10 pm | October 6, 2002
good use the space key
9:25 pm | October 6, 2002
yah exactly! :D
9:16 pm | October 6, 2002
Yeah. I know whatya mean. Itslikehewasspellingwordslikethisandmeshingthemtogether. lol
9:00 pm | October 6, 2002
ok, wasn't bad, but there is a thing called the SPACE KEY!!!! and you really need to use it more, I can't count how many times you meshed words. Oh yah and about the names of stuff, try to put more imagination instead of random letters like saldfhjkasdnfl;jhfn rifle. Ok thats all...
9:00 pm | October 6, 2002
Um nevermind, I just read other fan fics, and yours is the worst out of them...sorry.
8:56 pm | October 6, 2002
Yeah. But I noticed a lot of errors. Like forgetting to put spaces into my story. Sorry.
8:45 pm | October 6, 2002
Excellent! That's the best fanfic I've ever seen!
