
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Flood'

11:56 am | May 1, 2004
I was checking my email a second ago and found that people who send me attachments seem to have viruses. So please, if you're sending me an email attachment, clean it or don't send it. Just send me a regular email. I don't like Viruses. And even if I din't care, I can't open them because I'm getting the free yahoo name, so It won't let me open it. Please, clean it or just send me a regular E-mail. Thanks.
6:16 pm | April 30, 2004
To MC's Cousin. If you want, I'll send you a version with paragraphs. What's your Email address? Or drop me a line and captian_jacob_keyes@yahoo.com and I'll send it your way. That goes for anyone else who wants it.
2:00 am | April 27, 2004
umm yeah, u really need to get those paragraphs in, and spare a line each time someone talks. get some more detail into it, but i'm not gonna criticise much at all seeing as my first fan-fic was based around this kind of subject, and needed a lot of improvement. just work on this:)
MC's Cousin
11:00 am | April 26, 2004
Well I'd drop you a topic-bomb, or something like that, but I can't read that...thing you posted. All of it in one paragraph hurts my eyes, and if I begin developing a headache that soon turns into a pulsing migrain, normally I stop reading a story. But, if you want my honest opinion of your story, send a copy over email to my NEW adress specifically for HBO FF. You can find it in the first (as in highest on the FF page) post comments' page.

Signing Off

Nick Kang
10:44 am | April 26, 2004
I have no problem reading one big paragraph. It does get a little confusing sometiimes...a LITTLE.

12:34 am | April 26, 2004
You have already been told 1000 times about paragraphs, so I'll skip that. It was a good story, and I like the way you managed to use pretty much all the original text. Most mess it up. (to others) From a infection form's point of view. I came...I saw...I splattered all over them...
8:22 pm | April 25, 2004
To MC's Cousin, Ya, I'm dead, you don't have to rub it in;-)Hey, don't forget to read the Prolouge if you haven't already. Also, If you have a suggestion for a topic or for something else you'ld like to see in my story, drop me an email at captian_jacob_keyes@yahoo.com. You can also send me more personal Comments to. And please, for future Commenters, I know that I need Paraghraphs, so stop saying it already.
Nick Kang
7:05 pm | April 25, 2004
Hey cool I didn't know you could underline.

MC's Cousin
5:51 pm | April 25, 2004
Hey Keyes, you're like dead right? Unless you decided to give up and join the Flood forces after MC jammed your face in. Hmm...

Pretty good, but you need dialouge and paragraphs distinctly indented and stuff. We call that the code.
italics [i] and [/i]
bold [b] and [/b]
underline [u] and [/u]
indent [indent]
half-rule [hr]

Difficult huh?

Signing Off

11:35 am | April 25, 2004
To The REAL Nick Kang, I took no offence from that post. I was Apologizing. And, thogh I don't see it in the actual story, the name of the Series is "The Sergeant's Story" I hope I'm not disapointing anyone by telling them that the only perspactive you are seeing is the "Cameraman's". But fear not, for my next story, I was planning to have a three way perspective. But, this is my first FanFic, so I chose I view. Don't worry though. If you thought it was good so far, let me be the first to tell you it gets better. And, YES, IT WILL HAVE PARAGRAPHS!!!
Nick Kang
10:19 am | April 25, 2004
lol...that would be cool being an infection form...

The Silver Spartan
12:50 am | April 25, 2004
NK, about the Infection Form's POV I am writing a story that is like that right now! I posted this so I would not offend someone that might post that type of story before me!
9:12 pm | April 24, 2004
Yeah, the paragraph thing would be nice, and use the HTML [indent] to start the paragraphs off.
The REAL Nick Kang
6:34 pm | April 24, 2004
Okay I just reread, a bit slower this time, so it wasn't as confusing. Good detail. Although I think it would have been cool if you put part of it from an infection form's view. Ya know, do something different instead of most stories, which switch between Human and Covies.

The REAL Nick Kang
6:23 pm | April 24, 2004
It's okay. If someone named Nick Kang insults you, it isn't me. It's my friend that is using my name.

5:40 pm | April 24, 2004
to Master_Chief189 and Sentinel, I know I need paragraghs, and I promise you two and up will have them. But thanks for the good notes. Two is done, and three will be soon. And for The REAL Nick Kang, I'm sorry I confused you.
4:51 pm | April 24, 2004
Good story. All you need is paragraphs.
The REAL Nick Kang
2:51 pm | April 24, 2004
I got kinda confused and stopped reading.

The Razor
1:59 pm | April 24, 2004
Well...well, well, well, well, well, well, well

6/10 :)
1:03 pm | April 24, 2004
It was very well written, except for that you need paragraphs. I like where you're going. I'd like to know for once what someone else thinks happens with the Flood.
