
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Scope Life'

6:16 pm | June 27, 2004
It's offical Kaizen and I are working together on a story.
4:03 pm | June 27, 2004
quite short i might add. Lack of interest, not much detail to exploit the action in the story.
3:41 pm | June 27, 2004
Sure thing... i tried to fix everything but... ah well Sean id love to. email me.
Young Gunna
3:41 am | June 27, 2004
Good story, lacking details like everyone else said.
@Sean: You don't have details in your stories and that's why they don't get good reviews.
Nick Kang
12:07 am | June 27, 2004
Detail practically is a story, Sean. You could have perfectly gory action-filled sequences that lack detail, and the story would be an absolute disaster.

The story wasn't as good as your other one, and it went by too fast.

6:36 pm | June 26, 2004
I thought it was cool. I don't care for details as long as it is mindless and fun which it was. Kaizen me and you should do a story to together about marines.
5:04 pm | June 26, 2004
Lack of details. Went kinda quick and was short.

4:24 pm | June 26, 2004
I hope u like it...
