
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Road to Earth Part One'

John Morris
11:20 am | April 24, 2003
Thanks for the reviews so far, currently part 2 is under way, if you were wondering I'm hopeing for this series to last about five parts, in an attempt to link the end of the first game to the begining of the second, I appreciate the feedback and I will work to correct any mistakes found, ps keep the feedback flowing
John Morris
11:20 am | April 24, 2003
By the way I had to cut and paste this from a docuement on my disk,thats why there were no indents, I will take your advice, keep the reviews comeing
7:32 pm | April 19, 2003
This appears to be his first story, so he probably wouldn't know, unless he clicked on the 'Read these or ELSE' sign.
2:47 am | April 19, 2003
I guess people just aren't that 'story litterate', and are just too lazy to indent their stories.
1:37 am | April 19, 2003
8/10. Keep it up.
Shadow Spartan
8:49 pm | April 18, 2003
technically Red, the word indent doesnt leave my mouth...it is thought up in my brain, then i type the word indent in, on the keyboard lol
James Kinsella
8:36 pm | April 18, 2003
Spelling and [indent]. Other that thaat it was a good story. Just so you know, it's called slipstream, or Shaw-Fujikawa space, not hyperspace.
6:34 pm | April 18, 2003
Not Bad. I also noticed the spelling errors. Just be sure to use [indent] PLEASE.
6:23 pm | April 18, 2003
Heh, Shadow Spartan, after what happened to Dispraiser I would never let the words indent leave your mouth here again... I mean, he offered to indent them and got his ass kicked around... I owuld give this fanfic 7/10 if I didn't refuse to post numbers in my reviews...
5:49 pm | April 18, 2003
yeaah, i noticed the spelling too, but good story so far.
Shadow Spartan
5:04 pm | April 18, 2003
wow, not bad, few spelling and grammar errors, but they are fixable...seems like this indent problem is hurting everyone's stories...o well, it was still good, keep it up 8/10
