
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Battlefield 2552: Road to Redemption'

Alpha Lance
6:05 pm | July 29, 2003
You stole a tittle you asshole!
2:45 pm | May 7, 2003
I feel sorry for you. I have Windows XP on a brand new Dell, but I have the sorriest internet connection on earth.
John Morris
7:17 pm | May 6, 2003
I'm Glad someone Caught onto that, I liked the play on words. And As far as Gramatical errors are concerned, I type on windows 95 on a school CPU. But thanks for the reviews.
10:30 pm | May 5, 2003
Battlefield 1942: Road to Rome similiar eh? title wise yes...
9:50 pm | May 5, 2003
Battlefield 2552! Sounds like a video game!

This one was pretty good, the only thing I care on commenting, being the lack of formatting. It doesn't take all that long to do it and it's simple and makes the story look so much better.

BTW man, take your time with the stories, proofread 'em and look over them. Also if you have Word 2000 or higher pay attention to the green and red squiggly lines.

8.5/10, keep it up, though.
9:30 pm | May 5, 2003
9.5/10 Well well we might have a crush goin on here
9:30 pm | May 5, 2003
9.5/10 Well well we might have a crush goin on here
9:30 pm | May 5, 2003
9.5/10 Well well we might have a crush goin on here
