
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The rise and fall of the covenant'

7:57 pm | June 4, 2004
I couldn't even read the thing, i mean it was that horrible!
8:54 pm | October 12, 2003
Really short and a little to fast.
11:20 am | October 10, 2003
Sword to hand combat eh?

Plasma sword (1 hit kill to an armored spartan) against ....hands?

Seems fair....

And why would the Covenant just happen to keep Prophet killing beasts called Loktar(sp?) on their ships? Just in case right...
11:27 am | October 9, 2003
Can't . . . read . . . story . . . punctuation . . . painful . . .

*Drops to the floor and convulses*

But seriously, have someone check it. You might want to find a more original name, J-117 already got to the whole '117' thingy first.

Alpha Lance
11:15 am | October 9, 2003
It was okay.
Dirty Commie
12:03 am | October 9, 2003
1. Quit posting (for now).

2. Read 5 novels, at least. After each one you finish write something, a short story, whatever.

3. Read at least 15 other fics here.

4. Rewrite your story and have someone proofread it.

5. Profit.
Agent Shade
12:00 am | October 9, 2003
HAWK! ARE YOU OKAY?! TALK TO ME! lol, look what your punctuation as done lol
12:16 pm | October 8, 2003
your storyline isn't bad, but use the freakin spell check, and have someone look over your grammar and punctuation, etc, cause right now I can't even read the damn thing without having a friggin' seizure.
11:36 am | October 8, 2003
Not bad, but have someone check it out at least once to proof read it for you. Then go over it again just to make sure everything is as it should be. Continue writing.
9:34 am | October 8, 2003
