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Comments for 'In Light of Destiny Part VII: The Savior Within' |
3:25 pm | September 6, 2003
In Light of Destiny is not a roleplaying game recreation. In fact, it has nothing to do with an RPG. The fact that I have made fewer hints towards total devastion and super action does not mean I am rewriting the entire game and the way it was programmed.
This whole place would be nothing but Halo rewrites if we didn't add imagination. You should check with Wado on that; he's written some excellent stories that are more like mine. Actually, I should say mine are more like his, but the point is that we are not limited by what Halo created for us.
1:17 pm | September 6, 2003
I suppose you guys are right. But when I said halo is about action all I was really trying to say was just don't turn halo into aa roleplaying game. Sorry
Covie Killer
2:45 am | September 6, 2003
That was a good story, 10/10.
Alpha Lance
9:00 pm | September 5, 2003
Wow that was good...I say I could learn from you and make my storys better. And back off Mastergrunt. Halo isn't just about action and killing. Halo is about fate like James said. Because in the game Halo, MC hold the power of destruction, and the universe was in his hands. And look at Halo 2, the Covenant holds the human's fate. And it is up to MC and the Marines to destroy the Covie bastards so that the humans can get on with their lives. Well whatever, great story Jinkaiden the XI. And I didn't see anything wrong with your story, pretty long but real great, and I mean REAL GREAT story, 10/10.
Alpha Lance Creator of Halo Trilogy
11:40 am | September 5, 2003
You must be into everquest and crap considering all that mumbo jumbo stuff about the inner spirit and stuff. Halo is about action not some destiny and fate crap. Halo + Everquest= what have you been on.
James Kinsella
11:02 am | September 5, 2003
Keep it up. These stories are good. Just because some people like more along the lines of "He shot him. He died. He blew up." doesn't mean what you wrote is bad in any way. Good woork. And Mastergrunt, Halo is about fate, it's kinda Bungies underlying thing.
10:37 am | September 5, 2003
10:19 pm | September 4, 2003
Well, I'm first today. This is the longest one yet, and Part VIII is being worked on.
Funny thing about this one, I wrote the whole thing while listening to the FFX theme. (You know, the whole song with the title sequence...)
It helped inspire me, so I think it's one of the best so far...