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Comments for 'The Battle for Earth: A Halo Fan Fiction Novel (Chapter One)' |
1:08 pm | May 23, 2004
I really hope that wasn't me who caused that. However, FF is back up now.
9:16 pm | May 22, 2004
Well, I'm not sure where "No One" comes from. Maybe he's just really new here and hasn't had time to read the veterans stuff. Still...it had an interesting, if not confusing, feel to it.
MC's Cousin
8:51 pm | May 22, 2004
Maybe it's my computer, but there seems to be a problem with the front page of FF, I can still get to other pages, and have tried ALL links to the first page of HBO FF. And it seems to have something to do with a HTML code error. What the code refers to is a story titled: "The Battle For Earth: Fight For Her". Plus, to add to my supsition that this is the cause, I can't go into Jeremy's "more by this author" link. I would suggest emailing HBO. I already have. I hope I'm not the only one having this prob!
Signing Off
10:19 pm | May 21, 2004
I find that completley offensive, but I deserve that. Anyways, I've taken MCC's advice, and gotten a lot of the facts straightened out. So, I have posted it on the web site if you would like to read it.
10:06 pm | May 21, 2004
3:54 pm | May 21, 2004
It's not so much an essay as it is then entire Haloverse's history so far. It would have been on your beloved HSP, but it was too long and considered fanfic.
someone that you dont know
11:35 am | May 20, 2004
Ummm,...... If i had to sum up the whole thing in one word, confusing. Obviously your first fan fiction. Good, you got potential. Read the books. It will help you a whole shitload when it comes to writing fan-fiction. 7.5/10 because it is your first one. Keep trying.
MC's Cousin
12:34 am | May 20, 2004
What's the fun of reading an essay when you can read the books, look on the HBO SP, and conjecture ideas about it themselves. HUH? Is anyone with me? Naw, yes, I would suggest stuff like that.
I might have to go to that updates sight, if I have the time out of my importantly busy schedule...
Signing Off
12:05 am | May 20, 2004
1)I'll come here for updates to the story.
2)Witelancer has an excellent essay/history on the entire Halo storyline as we know of so far.
12:00 am | May 20, 2004
Thanks for your input on what I should do with the story. I am, in fact, reading the stories. I will, in fact, change the name of the story. And finally, I'm going to take a month off and write out an outline, of what I want in the plot, and continue the reading of the Halo novels.
Go here:
for updates on the story.
No one
10:51 pm | May 19, 2004
Extrodianry story i loved it. Your a natural writer. The best i've seen here story and spelling/grammar wise. Keep writing. The name funny.
MC's Cousin
2:02 pm | May 19, 2004
Whoa! And I don't mean that as in: "Whoa! That was so awesome I don't know what to say!"; it was more like: "Whoa! There is so much that is 'off' there that I don't know where to start!"
No offense, but there were A LOT of mistakes in there. And it wasn't your writing style that was off; although there are a few writing related issues you need to deal with. Your main problem is your storyline. Now, since I would have to write a post that would reduce the scroll bar to an inch in length or shorter on this page, I won't post it here. However, I do with to help you out in your writing. So I am going t write you a personal email about this story to you in the near future. Please, I insist, wait for it to come before writing your next chapter. I will be emailing you from "master_chiefs_cousin@yahoo.com" just an emial for FF. I can't afford to pay for another one right now.
It looks like you may have talent, and initiative to write about Halo, but you need to get your facts strait. Also, you need to pratice a lot. I know proffesional authors who still write up stuff just for the fun os it and show it to friends.
One big tip while your waiting for me is this: READ THE FRIGGIN' BOOKS!!!!! Because it is obvious that you have not.
P.S. Yup, Main is right about the title.
Signing Off
11:40 am | May 19, 2004
You do know that "A Halo Fan Fiction Novel" isn't necessary right?
First off, everything here is fan fiction. Second, I doubt it will reach novel size, but it might. Third, it just makes the name way too long.
If I were you, I'd drop that from the title.