
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Mars Annihilations Part 3'

Jang himself
9:30 pm | September 23, 2003
OOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I see, I'm dumb like that.
Chapter 4 has been started today!
Alpha Lance
8:00 pm | September 23, 2003
Sergant B talking about, instead off writting new, you should had wrote knew. Like, "I knew something." But keep it up.
Jang himself
6:32 pm | September 23, 2003
This isn't for the people that haven't played Halo. This is for people that know about the Forerunner, have played and beaten Halo, and are looking forard to Halo 2

This is an intermeadiate stprty, before Halo 2, but after Halo 1. Also, the Covenant Plasma Assault Cannon isn't a super spectacular happy time japananese manga. It's a gun. Nothing happy about it.

BTW, Sergeant B, what error was it.
1:39 pm | September 23, 2003
you lost me on the extremely dull description of that battery gun. don't spend a paragraph describing something if you're not going to use more interesting language. also, you should write these kind of stories so that someone who's never played halo could understand every bit of it.
Sergeant B
10:21 am | September 23, 2003
Bravo! Excellent. Only one error(knew, not new).
