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Comments for 'Part 2 Capture' |
Sergeant B
9:43 am | September 15, 2003
Who's writing a whole chapter in the comments board? Hope it's not that Mac Ass Bastard Son of a Bitch fuckin' dick-head!
Sergeant B
12:45 pm | September 14, 2003
I agree with the guy on the Fritz(whatever that is). Those weapons are so powerful it is overwhelming. Where is the classic Assault Rifle or Pistol or the new Battle Rifle and SMG? Hope you get this!
Some guy on the fritz.
4:21 am | September 14, 2003
I don't like how you made them all superpowerful and junk.
Reaper, lightning gun, invincible.
What's the fun in that?
Alpha Lance
6:12 pm | September 13, 2003
I'm also sorry to use up all this space.
Alpha Lance
5:51 pm | September 13, 2003
Here is away it could look. But I'm just trying to give a look on how it could look. __________________________________________________ Covenant Destroyer 10/2/2623
John 117 knew why command chose a destroyer to capture. Not only was it the smallest Covenant capital ship, with a lower crew, but it has less of a fighting crew, and no armies on board, unlike frigates and cruisers which carry thousands of Covenant.
The destroyer is solely ment for space fighting, and not for landing troops. A perfect target. The other Spartan III ran down the cooridor, going in a separate direction to kill the crew off while John would head to the bridge.
John looked more of a Titan now, his shiny black armor and his lightning cannon, plus his reaper, capable of ripping apart lines of enemies. John silently walked through the cooridor. His footsteps didnt make a sound, and he was invisible from a claoking device on his Spartan III nanodiamond armor.
A red elite, armed with a needler, was in a hub, standing in front of a holo panel. John read the map and it was the weapons consol. The red elite was mad.
John had remembered red elites with needlers, shooting and shooting those plasma darts like a machine gun. The elite was unaware of him. He crept up slowly, and noticed it was alone. He walked up behind it.
The elite may have noticed John standing behind him, but John grabbed the three massive jaws with his exoskeleton hand, and twisted it sharply, breaking it's neck. The elite fell to the ground, flopped around a bit, and blue ooze came out of its eyes. Dead before it knew it.
A grunt peeked around the corner and saw the dead body, and picked up it's plasma pistol from its hoster. 4 more grunts and two jackals came out of the cooridor and picked up their weapons, looking for the target.
John got his lightning cannon, aimed it at the center and fired. There was a loud boom, no recoil, and a blinding white light, as a bolt of electricity hit the group.
There was a laoud explosion, and blue blood flew everywhere, spilling some on John's invisible suit. There was a large hole into the next deck where the Covenant stood.
The gun was too powerful, so he got his much heavier reaper. He went down a few cooridors, and reached the hangar bay.
Two massive doors opened, and it showed the dropships and seraph fighters being disengaged to fight the cylander behemoth, to get cut down by the infinity peisoelectric bolt repeaters on the cylander.
He crept behind storage crates where two jackals were arguing, and proceeded to the next door, opened it, and slipped inside.
After passing another cooridor, he reached the control center of the ship. It was smaller than the control center of the cruiser he was on, but not much of a difference. There was a purple deck above the room, with large holo panels.
There were three gold elites on the bridge, 10 red elites armed with needlers and rifles, 7 cloaked elites with plasma swords, about 30 Spec-Op grunts with fuel rods, 25 jackals in phalanx formation, 17 SpecOps Elites, and 4 hunters, waiting.
John thanked whatever that there wheren't any of those Brutes. John stood in a dark cooridor, unnoticed. He contacted the other Spartan III. "Where are you?", asked John.
"Below the bridge", he said in a husky voice. "Prepare to fire", he said. A few seconds slipped slowly by.
"Use your lightning cannon", said John. "Fire!', he said again.
John and the other Spartan III fired their lightning cannons. John's first bolt went into the grunts, an explosion deatomizing half and killing the others nearbye. The other Spartan's hit the red elites, killing them and some of the gold elites.
John and the other fired two more bolts until what was left where the hunters, jackals, elites, and two gold elites. "Save one gold elite", said John. They took out their repeaters as the Covenant regrouped after the vicious attack. The repeaters fired bursts of short, red bolts, continuously. The red bolts ripped elites in half.
A hunter charged John. John fired his reaper at the hunter, the bolts ripping the hunter into peices. The other hunter charged its fuel rod cannon, but red bolts cut him into orange blood. Jackals fired everywhere, some of the bolts hitting John, the sheilds absorbing all of the energy. He fired his reaper accross the Jackals, slicing their formations.
The room was silent accept for two gold elites standing on the bridge with their plasma swords drawn. John fired a bolt at the head of one of the gold elites, killing it instantly.
The other one tried to pounce John, but the other Spartan grabbed it and threw it onto the ground, not to hurt it. Jon injected it with a serum that knocked it out cold.
John and the other Spartan decloaked, revealing night black suits. John looked around the control room for the computer hard drive. He linked up to his AI, old time Cortanna. "Find the computer hard drive", said John.
Cortanna brimmed with computer cymbols, then an idea popped up. "Over in that cylander in the side", she said in her sassy voice.
John opened a container in the far back, and there was a 3 inch in length crystalline cube. John put it in an armored compartment of his suit, and the two Spartan IIIs ran back to their boarding craft.
As the boarding craft flew away, Cortanna said "Here's a little party favor" and the destroyer blue into blue flames.
The Spartans took off the gold elites weapons and put him in a force field cell. The cylander opened a slipstream point, and went back to Earth with their new data and Prisoner of War.
Covie Killer
5:47 pm | September 13, 2003
I s JAfdifai'fih meaning somthing, you should let someone help you on this.
Alpha Lance
4:15 pm | September 13, 2003
Yes, I agree with Sergant B. You should start a new paragraph every once in a while. You could send it to someone on this site to fix it up for you. You got a good series going, but fix it up.
Sergeant B
12:14 pm | September 13, 2003
Great. I liked it. But, you know, you should make a new paragraph after someone talks(makes your story better). It is very squishy and hard to read if you're doing that. And don't be afraid to use Master Chief, not John. Remember, in Halo, he is only known as the Master Chief. So use it. Good Luck!