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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Ishkabibbl's Story Part 2'

12:47 pm | March 26, 2003
the reason it ended abruptly is because of the size limit. I've already done most of the story but i'm breaking it into peices that fit HBO's requirments. And to you Arthur its post Halo and in a few parts you'll see why.
12:33 pm | March 26, 2003
12:26 pm | March 26, 2003
Yes, you did your paragraphs correctly. I like the SuperGrunt. Can he fly? Anyway keep it up.

Hey RedFaction what level is your english teacher(1, 2, 3, or 4 repsectively)? Even though I'm only in English One, I'd have to say your English teacher is wrong. Next time you write something for her/him you should seriously screw up you verbs, adjectives, and all that stuff. Write fragments. Then tell it was your idea and you wrote it the way you thought it should be and that he/she said it wasn't wrong himself/herself. She might change her mind then. Just a thought, you know.
12:09 pm | March 26, 2003
My English teacher tells me that there is no wrong way to write something as long as it was your idea and you wrote it the way you think it should be.

It's kinda cheesy, but hey, it's true.

Jeff Graham
5:03 am | March 26, 2003
Supergrunt. Superman is in trouble now. I like these stories that are sort of abstract, but again, aren't they all? Nice story, grammar+paragraphs but thats about it.
10:14 pm | March 25, 2003
Well I tried to make a new paragraph after each time someone spoke, but I'm not sure if I did it right.
Arthur Wellesly
10:09 pm | March 25, 2003
Ummmmm, it wasn't bad... you're writing style isn't quite as fluent as I would like and your story seems to end farily abruptly, but considering that this is your second story, it ain't bad! Keep up the writing, I love the plot you have going here, very unique!

PS What is the time era right now? Halo time or pre/post Halo time? And where exactly does the story take place?
