
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Humanity's Last Hope Part: 2'

6:21 am | March 28, 2004
Yep, me again. The ending WAS weak but hey, you should look at one of my endings. Imagination went KLONK. I like the whole forerunner/scout thing. V clever. So, does he go back to the library of time every time he 'dies'?
4:19 pm | April 15, 2003
Guess I tried too hard to be original. I'll start working on the next one, maybe it will just be a short story.
James Kinsella
12:03 pm | April 15, 2003
I usually am a fan of your work but in this case I will make the vote that you discontinue this series. I hope your next series goes well.
1:59 am | April 15, 2003
yeah kind of an abrupt ending, but the "project" sounded ominous, and maybe the sudden anding was the way to go.
9:47 pm | April 14, 2003
Good story but the ending realy got me angry why write all that to have all the marines be incinarted. Unless it has some importance make the sword appear less.
6:18 pm | April 14, 2003
I realize that the ending was sort of weak, but based on the response to the story i'll either continue the series or just stop.
