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Comments for 'Better Off Dead. Part 1 In The Begining...' |
2:20 am | September 13, 2003
You can also become an officer very quickly by promotion through the ranks during wartime on the front, or at a regular college in an ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) program or post-graduation in an OCS (Officer Candidate School) program. If either of these appeal to you, I urge you to try it. Also, this might be an awkward question, but why not join your own country's military forces? Not that we don't want you over here--we need all the good Irish soldiers we can get. But it would be more patriotic of you. Is it the lack of action you guys see? Or something more? Whatever you do, good luck.
Semper Fi
2:13 am | September 13, 2003
Well, ILYB, the basic requirements for West Point would first require you to be a US citizen. Next you have to gain an appointment from a member of Congress, who would most likely be wanting to appoint a native-born American. Also, you cannot enter after the age 22, save by special appointment (say you are already a 25-year-old war hero and the Army wants you to be a commander). You have to be in the top-ten percintile of grades in your state, have at least an SAT score of 1200 (you can take it multiple times and they take your highest score) and write an essay and go before a selection board that researches your grades all the way back to the 9th grade. Out of the people who try to get in, only about five percent make it. If you can get your act together and become a United States citizen of good report by age 22, I'd say you would have a fair shot. (Note: most of this was based off of the requirements for Annapolis. I'm assuming they are fairly similar).
Vi3tl3l3oi 023(Return of CPT CRAPPER)
2:38 am | September 11, 2003
I thought Jenkins got killed on Halo... and use of sentence structure and indenting... makes it look professional and much more clearer...
2:40 pm | September 10, 2003
Thx all.The reason why i didnt make it one of those "kill everything" ones is because in most battles humans lose even when they outtnumber the covies 2 to 1.If there were much marines who can kill hundereds of covis then we wouldnt need a mastyer chief are the spartan project.And yes i did borrow the name of the badger fortress.
Alpha Lance
11:09 am | September 10, 2003
What do you mean by, I wouldn't???
10:55 pm | September 9, 2003
It's pretty good. I liked because it is not one of those blow up everything in sight stories and also stresses the point that not all marines are war-seasoned veterans. Just out of curiosity, isn't Salamandastron a title of a RedWall book?
9:16 pm | September 9, 2003
I wouldnt
8:56 pm | September 9, 2003
Is there already a pvt.Jenkins? crap. should have done some research on that I knew something was wrong.Im sure there is more than one jenkins in a colony of millions.Thx guys.Oh yes and I might change my name to Angel then,Just for you sergeant.
Alpha Lance
8:51 pm | September 9, 2003
Alright it was good but there were some problems.
1.) Indent, to indent, type in indent before the frist word of a paragraph like this. [indent], exp.
[indent]Master Chief step out of the Pelican to find Covenant troops all over the place.
2.)Indent after punchation marks. Exp.
The marine got shoot by a plasma bolt, as the bomb exploeded. He didn't survive. (right way)
The marine got shoot by the plasma bolt,as the bomb exploeded.He didn't survive. (wrong way)
3.)Start a new paragraph when someone new speaks.
4.)Cut up the paragraphs, it just one big paragraph.
5.)Reread, I'm rereadind my stories now, you should too. And don't reread it one time, reread it five or ten times.
6.) Don't use this,------ ------ ------, it only take's one or two, --.
But other than that, it was good, 8/10, because of the format and errors.
8:33 pm | September 9, 2003
All you need is paragraphs. 8/10
Sergeant B
7:05 pm | September 9, 2003
Very good. I like it. But, Pvt. Jenkins isn't alive. He died in Halo. And a few grammar or spelling errors there. But I really hate your name. IT sounds like shit. Ilove bungie is shit. But otherwise, very good.
6:43 pm | September 9, 2003
It would be much obliged if you gave me some pointers people.I am just starting out and need help to get into the swing of things.
6:43 pm | September 9, 2003
Ok thx for the advice ill be sure to put it all to use in the THIRD instalment,I already submited the second one.
6:43 pm | September 9, 2003
A qusick question completley unrelated with halo. Most of you are probally amiericans and im irish so you would be more suited to answer my question : im looking to join the us army and im going to sighn up for west point. What are the basic requirments to go there would you know?