
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo: 3rd Armored Cavalry Division 1'

11:29 am | August 9, 2003
[hunterkiller] ok when u look at that.....ummm.....sorry lol. i've been in a bad mood l8ly. so sorry
7:48 am | August 2, 2003
that was from me, now shut the fuck up
7:46 am | August 2, 2003
yeah well u coulda said sumthin a bit more along the lines of "better luck next time", instead of "sorry to say but this story SUCKED!", i think i've made my point. oh and i only said all that cos u said shut the fuck up 2 me

p.s. shut the fuck up
9:09 pm | July 29, 2003
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! For your info I weigh 102 lbs. I didn't mean for you to take so much offense. You're just getting after me because I said your flood story sucked, so get off my fuckin case!
8:54 am | July 24, 2003
U shut the fuck up u sadistic bastard! almost every comment of yourz on other peoplez storiez r mockin them! and dont say all that shit about ur gonna total me, ur probably a fat shit sittin at ur computer eatin nachoz! u gotta catch me first u dickhead! now go stick ur 3 and a 1/2 inch dick into ur hard drive, thatz as close as you'll ever get to the real thing! OR iz that when u pop ur sisterz blisterz with ur dick??

p.s u suck u fat shit
3:41 pm | June 7, 2003
Shut up you fucking piece of shit! Your name is crashedwarthog for a reason, because when I'm done with you you're going to be not just crashed but you'll be totaled! You damned Shithead!
7:03 am | May 17, 2003
to be honest, the story SUCKED! hey just givin back 2 u what u gave 2 me, and how old are you? 'cos i'm only 14 and i think i did pretty well for a first try, loser
2:35 am | April 27, 2003
Good story Hunterkiller!
3:03 am | April 26, 2003
If anyone has an idea for a FanFic please e-mail.
2:49 am | April 26, 2003
To tell the truth, I'm not really impressed with this FanFic. I wasn't thinking straight. Don't get the thought I was Boozed up or any thing, but I sit down t the computor and start typing than I get an idea for another FanFic.
2:49 am | April 26, 2003
Sorry about that. I am going to change him to Brigadier general since he is in command of an armored cavalry division.
1:33 am | April 26, 2003
not bad...really, the only things i saw steele and james already pointed out...congratulations and keep it comming 8.5/10
James Kinsella
9:57 pm | April 25, 2003
I thought it was pretty good. Was this just a setup for the series, caus there wasn't much fighting. That's not neccessarily a bad thing. Keep it up.
8:53 pm | April 25, 2003
Entirly true Steele isn't there alreadt a Hunterkiller?
7:57 pm | April 25, 2003
8/10. A Captain wouldn't be a Tank driver. He would take the place of tank commander and command a company, but otherwise, pretty good.
3:41 pm | April 25, 2003
nice entance
