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Comments for 'The Adventures of Lt. Jake, Part One' |
12:20 am | August 6, 2003
No offense, Hawk. I'm sure you are an excellent writer, and understand that when you give the people bad grammer, it's more realistic. It's just... you a little picky... ;)
The Minor Cheif, Hawk, empties a clip of his giant supply of Bull Shit at 343 Hunter_killer Spark. It is dead on, and provokes this responce:
343 Hunter_Killer Spark: Tisk, Tisk. That is unnessecary, Recalimer. I sugest you save you bull shit for my good stories. This way, dickwad. To my story vault!
That's how i feel, no offense. =)
12:16 am | August 6, 2003
Ok. Human speech grammer is not perfect. Ok? =B
Second, mistakes happen. =(
Third, break it up, Elfster and Hawk! =D
Last, new model Pistol. ;-)
P.S: Thanks for giving me the great rating, Hawk. It' more than you usually allow for 'Hunter_killer, the Magical Bad Author who has his head in his ass'!
11:45 am | July 31, 2003
Shut the hell up Elfster. This is the comments section, so I reserve the right to comment on the errors in the story as I see fit. I also edit the other stories that I come across, don't try to make it look like I'm singling him out. Don't post something as retarded as "Well obviously you have NO idea what you're talking about." without a proper discription to what the hell you are babbling about. So you shut the fuck up and sit down. Until you have justice to your malice, don't even try to show me up, small inferior one.
4:08 am | July 31, 2003
4:05 am | July 31, 2003
grammar mistakes happen, true. but it is the author's responsibility to edit them out to the best of his ability. though complaining about a contreversial word such as "didja" or however one chooses to spell it is ridiculous. the author just speeled it how most (or many) people say it.
4:01 am | July 31, 2003
*kicks himself* *grammar
3:59 am | July 31, 2003
i too noticed the M6D-MD6 thing. actually, grammer in weapons names is very important. korean war soldiers didn't call an m-1 an m-2, they were completely different guns. so you can see the problem. overall a good story.
Alpha Lance
8:49 pm | July 27, 2003
Lots of action,and....violance,violance,and VIOLANCE!!!!!
P.S.more,more,and MORE!!!!!
10:05 pm | July 26, 2003
Really cool man, keep 'em coming! :]
P.S. My first name is Jake so that was a plus. :]
3:18 am | July 26, 2003
And if you haven't noticed, some of the best fan fics out there have grammar errors and such, so save you're breath.
3:14 am | July 26, 2003
pickity-pick-the-dick strikes again huh?
Would you shut up about a lousy grammar error and enjoy the story? Face it, marines don't giveafuck if they have bad grammar, the dialogue was realistic.
Last time you told me "Don't tell me to go play anything, I know what I'm talking about."
Well obviously you have NO idea what you're talking about.
Welcome to reality, now sit down and shut up.
8:56 pm | July 25, 2003
Oops, forgot to post my score: 7.0/10
8:44 pm | July 25, 2003
In the process, he had lost his emergency radio. But, he still had his Med-Kit, Rations(Why couldn't I lose those instead? Thought Jake.), and his trusty MD6 Pistol Sidearm. This sentence makes no sense. Try running a Grammar-check next time. Also, there is no such thing as a "MD6 Pistol Sidearm" in Halo. There is a M6D Pistol, but no "MD6". Saying "Pistol Sidearm is just plain repetitive, what else is a M6D going to be? "Un-damaged" is spelt undamaged, it is all one word. "One... whatever it was, was gona round the Pelican soon" What is "gona"? "Didja join to fight aliens, or didja join to stay in the nice, comfy Barracks?" What is "Didja"? Is it supposed to be "didya?"
8:08 pm | July 25, 2003
Lol, RedvsBlue is cool, like this story. From what I see there's only 2 ways the series could go, BANG its over, or he throws his chest armor off...preferably at someone.
6:41 pm | July 25, 2003
Yeah, i really like this sereis!
4:17 pm | July 25, 2003
Good. keep it coming man 9/10
12:32 pm | July 25, 2003
I give it a 9/10.
"Firing main cannon."
"Son of a bi--"
12:30 pm | July 25, 2003
Thanks. Oh, and I will keep making stories. Oh, and watch for a new comedy on Halo: Halo 2, not what you'd expect, Part One.
8:08 am | July 25, 2003
this is goo shit man awesome man how did you come up with this stuff natural born genius eh man keep writing these until halo 2 comes out