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Comments for 'Covenant Invasion! Part Seven' |
2:31 pm | July 10, 2003
Oh yah, and one more thing.
Is everyone ganging up on me, or am i not worthy to look at a cow's hindquarters, kiss it, and stick a Plasma Grenade to my head?
2:27 pm | July 10, 2003
I think I'm gonna stop making Covenant Invasion. It attracts too much bad opinions, and stuff.
It's harder than it looks, after all; I'm not exactly the sharpest pen in the pack.
9:09 pm | July 4, 2003
damn it, in my first post where it says go to:, and theres nothing there, i mean you should go to the screenshots page of Truth and Reconciliation. Theres a shot of an Ossoona being eatin by the flood on page 6. Sorry!
9:07 pm | July 4, 2003
But anyways...great story, 9/10
8:49 pm | July 4, 2003
Fhew, lotta comments. Ok, first off, to Hunter_Killer: The blue elites you frequently see lying dead that were once in camo are actually Ossoonas. They wear special armor, its paler, almost a white sometimes. Go to:, you'll see what I mean(the guy being eatin). I think it is possible, however, for a golden elite to be cloaked, cause MC also is able to pick up active camo.
Secondly, its pretty hard to kill a Hunter w/3 blasts from a plasma rifle, even if it is in the orange flesh--but whatever.
To Elfster: Seraph fighters are single pilot Covenant ships that are capable of flying in space. Ya know, kinda like a Longsword cept it has shields. Its mentioned in The Fall of Reach.
7:01 pm | July 4, 2003
btw wtf is a Seraph fighter?
6:57 pm | July 4, 2003
Uhh HK, actually, you call them FRAG, as do NO others. Infact your the only person who I ever see calling them FRAG in capitals.
11:58 am | July 4, 2003
Ok, listen Hawk.
I call them FRAG, as do others. Ok.
They are Modified Bansees, capable of High-Orbit, and Inter-system travel.
The Sarge is one of the Best Marines, and he's entitled to a few weapons.
Blue-Armored Elites are cloaked, once in a while. Golden ones, more often.
Fuel Rod Guns, although heavy, still shoot Plasma.
He shot it in the Orange Flesh.
THanks for not being TOO snipy, but; and i mean this: Write you own story! And, also, I can see your one of THOSE Halo Fans. You know of what I speak, so realistic and well, snipy, it sickens me. Open-mindedness, peopleses!
P.S: Sorry to anyone who I may have offended.
11:26 am | July 4, 2003
Hey sup? Great story! Look for thoses of you who are awaiting the virus its going to be a while sorry.
Silent Hunter
2:24 am | July 4, 2003
Not to offend anyone, but please do make your own fiction...I made mine, and I'm a better man for it
5:51 pm | July 3, 2003
Still some trouble with the M9 HE-DP Grenades (still referring to them as FRAG Grenades)
The Banshees are not capable of High-Orbit flight, that is why the Covenant have the Seraph fighters. Although my interpretation of High-Orbit could be different from yours.
(he took a Plasma Pistol, a Plasma Rifle, a Needler, and three Plasma Grenades). Don't you think that would be a little heavy? Usually the Marines only carry one weapon.
"A Golden Armored Elite, with a Plasma Sword, who had deactivated his Cloak, caught it." I Don't think that Golden Elites can wear cloaking, but I could be wrong.
"He entered the next room, a big one. 20 Grunts, 10 Jackals, 5 Elites, and 2 Hunters saw him. Magenta Needles and Plasma Bolts hurtled towards the lone Marine. With needles following, he dove behind a crate." What about Fuel Rods?
"One charged at Sarge, swinging it's shield. He sidestepped this assault, and shot the Hunter three times in the back with his Plasma Rifle. Orange blood spewed out, as the Covenant warrior, once so proud, fell to the floor, dead." I don't think that only three shots could kill a Hunter. Once again, I might be wrong.
I'm sorry if this sounds snippy, It's not meant to be. Just little things that are wrong, excluding the M9 HE-DP Grenades, That caught my eye. Good luck with the next one! ~Hawk7886
P.S. If I'm wrong on any of these, feel free to prove me wrong.
10:51 am | July 3, 2003
Whado you think of this one?
P.S: Sorry it took so long!