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Comments for 'Nothing to Lose Part V' |
12:47 am | October 20, 2003
A brave, incompetent dummy.
2:20 pm | September 23, 2003
Yeah, I know all about the Alamo. It's a shame those brave Texans died.
Question: Who considers Custer an incompetent dummy? Who considers him a brave, competent Union soldier?
I just want to get people's opinons.
11:15 am | September 23, 2003
Texan over here, and no battle is more famous than the Alamo. At least down here. And I'm not talking about the phucked-up John Wayne version with a cavalry charge in the middle of the day, I'm talking about the thirty-minute climax of a thirteen day seige where 185 Texans held off 5000 Mexicans and killed 1000 who assaulted the fortress in a surprise attack at 4 AM. I'd just like to say that, if any of you want the REAL story of the Alamo, you should read "13 Days to Glory" aka "The Alamo" by Lon Tinkle. Remember the Alamo!
Semper Fi
2:04 am | September 23, 2003
I love speculation. Now I'm really feeling good about my ending.
12:52 am | September 23, 2003
Why is it that I have a feeling that they are all gonna die........is it the title?
12:23 am | September 23, 2003
Oh, and Walker, I'm not from Texas but I know that y'all have a major pride for your state. I'm an History buff, so I guess I'll have to make the Alamo my next event to study.
12:18 am | September 23, 2003
Oh, Steele, I would have like to oblige you, but unfortunately I've already turned in the last chapter. I still like the last chapter and I hope that you all do too, but please remember that I wrote it the way I did to finish it and start my new series.
Also, I'm happpy with the way it ended and I think it will surprise a lot of you. Thanks for all the comments and support.
10:42 pm | September 22, 2003
I agree with Walker. You write with a lot more depth than a lot of people up here. Do I detect a titanic ending in a battle more famous than the Alamo?
Alpha Lance
10:39 pm | September 22, 2003
Hornet, I would like to say, "KICK ASS STORY!" And also I would like to thank you for taking your own time to help me on my errors. I could learn alot of things from you.
And also, I probaly wouldn't post my Chapter V intill Wensday or Friday. Because I'm going to make it perfect. Well, maybe not perfect, but kick ass great. Can't wait for your next chapter, take care.
9:21 pm | September 22, 2003
Thanks Walker. Good news and Bad news. The bad news is that I'm concluding this series soon. I like it and the characters, but I've got another project that demands my full attention, which is the good news, that I'm working on a new series that I believe to be original and highly entertaining.
So sorry if the next chapter seems rushed or the grammatical errors are more multiple, its just that I'm ready to move on. Thanks to everyone that has read this series, I really enjoyed making it, and I believe it has got me back into the swing of things here at HBO.
Oh, and Walker, thanks again for the comments. I'm glad someone appreciates the time it takes to make realistic and entertaining dialogue.
8:06 pm | September 22, 2003
Amazing, Hornet34. Once more you give us a satisfying sample of your professional and expert writing, using snappy comments and realistic conversation that goes deeper than "Covies to the left!" and "Shit, I'm hit!". I think that's one of the things I enjoy most about your writing. It reads like a book. There were a few punctuation errors, but that was about it. Keep on with this series, I like where it's going.
Semper Fi
4:39 pm | September 22, 2003
I'm not going out there unless I'm in one of those big metal things, go up and down, what do you call those?
Your welcome.
Sergeant B
10:30 am | September 22, 2003
Love it. 9.8/10