
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'ONI Black Ops Part Seven'

6:14 am | May 26, 2003
Dude Havok that kicked ass. Can't wait for the ground assault thats gonna be one helluva chapter keep them coming!
12:54 am | May 26, 2003
I just wanted to say that I just played my first 16-player Halo game. It kicked ass! Most of the players were almost (emphasis on almost) as good as me. It rocked!

Just thought I'd say that. You haven't played Halo until you've done it with 16 players!
7:59 pm | May 24, 2003
10/10 Dude names of ships and people are supposed to be in CAPS
5:11 am | May 24, 2003
Well I'm back just hovering around SUP?
11:33 am | May 23, 2003
steele. i honestly tried to. but when i was posting HBO got real sluggish and i couldnt go back and change ship names or anything.
Wiley Kimball
6:36 pm | May 22, 2003
5:36 pm | May 22, 2003

I beg of you to capitalize Covenant and italicize ship names!

Otherwise, keep it up.
Agent Shade
11:51 am | May 22, 2003
that was beautiful Havok lol. awesome story once again...why bother commenting really? your stories kick ass...this one was a little short though :(

oh well, please keep coming, these are great 10/10
3:11 am | May 22, 2003
yeah the length of these bother me. i cant write too much, or itll go over 32k. so i brok up the story the best i could
