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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo 2: The End'

Eric Gunther
2:04 am | August 17, 2002
I recently wrote a poem for the fan fic, please check it out, its called "Nothing Left", its not so Halo oriented, but more of a reflection on how war can change a persons mentality. I hope you enjoy, and I'll be working on more fan fic, Ive just been really busy getting ready for school. Peace out
Mr. Bill
12:32 am | August 5, 2002
And those stoires were.....?
9:21 pm | August 3, 2002
Knightmare Wolf
9:21 pm | August 3, 2002
i do recann two other stories where earth fell
12:57 am | July 30, 2002
Holy crap, that was just...not right but right at the same time. *faints because of Earth falling*
9:45 pm | July 29, 2002
Heh, your errors weren't as bad as Arch put them. Very, very nice story so far.... Though sad.... and you may just want to change Earths population number a little bit lol... 50 billion isss quite a bit much, overall excellent story, can't wait for the next chapter.
8:38 pm | July 28, 2002
Well That was different from all the others. Finally Earth went down. I think that made the story very interesting. And it stuck to the plot. Nice work!I love to see what happens next.
12:14 am | July 27, 2002
me? a new face? yah i guess your right. Now im kinda into fan fics (after I made the Mis-adventures of master chief series). the only problem i have, is I cant grasp the true halo concept, only comedy, which is fine by me :).
1:48 am | July 26, 2002
a new face? i don't know, nice to meet you. That's interesting, MC should be kept somewhat classified.
1:41 am | July 26, 2002
dont you just looooove irony ;)
5:00 pm | July 25, 2002
Well, that certainly was different! For once, Earth fell to the Covvies! Nice work on this story, and even though there's a good lot of errors, your creativity more than makes up for them.
