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Comments for 'The Battle of Evermore Part 1: Ambush' |
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
damn theres a lot of fan fics
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
nuts my first one is under a year old and its on page 57 theres been huge pick up in the number of fan fics!
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
I couldn't agree with you more gruntkiller.
Good to see you around.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
hey great too see you again i thought for a bit there i was the only one left of the older authors
Arthur Wellesly
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
This was quite good. I must complain only of the depth value. For the first story, you might want to introduce your characters more and make the flow a little slower. As it is, I thought this was another of dozens pure action-based fics taking place on Sigma Octanus. Of course, that may be a little preliminary, as I'm sure you'll have something to distinguish this story from most others.
Still a little more depth couldn't hurt.
Keep it up.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
recognized the call signals "thunder-flash" from SPR. its good to know some people pay attention.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
and 9.8/10
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Nice to see someone developing tactics and using realistic scenarios in their fanfics. Props on the Thunder/Flash reference, and am I wrong or is the "Battle of Evermore" a Led Zepplin song. Coincidence? Anyway, pretty good, 8.8/10
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
arthur this is gonna be more action based then my other series and not as deep, but thats not saying its gonna be a shallow action only thing. thanks hornet i spent about 30 min trying to see how the covenant would attack a walled base like this and how it would be of such importance. yes the "Battle of Evermore" is a led zepplin song, i was listening to it when i was writing.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Good to see an old writer like you still around everyone else is gone. Great story gruntkiller that almost similiar to my fic The battle for sigma octanus. Keep them coming! 10/10
Arthur Wellesly
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
I see. This is, I think, the first of your stories I've read (I'm relatively new) and so I had nothing else to compare it to. Understand that I did like it my opinion notwithstanding.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
great to see you again moniter thanks
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Is it me, or are all the great writers returning?!
Anyway, gruntkiller, great new series. I had to print it out since I was forced to sign off...I liked it, though. I can't wait for part 2, and I'm wanting to see if wado's going to continue writing here...
(For those of you who are now returning to the pages, I am Jinkaiden-XI, formerly TheRedFaction and Neo//hack. Just so you know...)
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Something tells me that tomorrow Traumatised Marine will show up and then the next day el_halo_diablo will come back...
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
i dont think el_halo_diablo will be back for a while if ever i was just talking to him on Msn
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
the old authors are comming back to bring an end to the crap thats here now, my suggestion is read the older pieces by wado, every piece he worte is pure gold, even just reading it will help you think of better stuff to write about
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Please let this be the triumphant return of the old authors. I wont try to include myself in that group because i only wrote one fanfic ages ago, but I've been a longtime fan of this section. Hopefully the newbies will get learn from the old guys and write some better stuff. Look forward to the next piece gruntkiller.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
thanks hornet hope to see you writing some stuff too
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Your very welcome Gruntkiller and Wellsley I think your not relitively new you've got a lot of storys under your belt.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
i may not be an old writer in this section but i've been writing for eight years and i'm not to appreciative of the new writing being called crap. sure, a whole ton of it is, but not all of it.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
im comparing it to the stuff when i started which was when Wado and El_halo_diablo where in their prime so i got used to a VERY high standerd for fan fic,
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Speaking of high standards, Vec said he was writing something new for Fan Fic. May take a while for him to get it done, but whatever he writes should be of the upmost highest standards.
And Walker, I haven't been reading much of the recent Fan Fiction for the last several months. Some of what I've read, however, was quite excellent. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes so I really can't compare the old to the new and say either is better on all accounts. What I do like is that people here still take pride in their work and are still willing to take constructive comments and reflect upon them. Gasmask is the best example here of an author that started with not so great writing and now has turned into one of the best writers around.
Knightmare, Shadow, Arch, Spart, etc. are all old timers too and each has gotten even better. Monitor seems to be in a grove. Arthur isn't really an new guy, I remember him from a while ago and he always had great ideas and his writing has improved. Gruntkiller, well, he has gotten better but he always was pretty good, definitely one of the better writers.
PanZer wrote some great stuff too, so good that it seems no one remembers him...LOL. Probably because he set the stage for many other writers to follow, opening the reader's minds up for epic stories.
El_halo_diablo, well, he just rocked. I took pride that I think I helped him develop into a better writer, but he always had a way of taking things to the edge, especially with comedy.
The real cream of the crop were the writers of Zenith, such as Vec, Mr. Bill, etc., err... that includes me...hehe.
Well that's my rant, I probably left out a zillion writers, just my poor memory and lack of time to go back and list every author I ever liked. My appologies to all of you that I may have missed, I know there are a bunch more great writers here.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
OK. I'll try my hand at writing again. I prefer to think of myself as more of a critic, helping others write, but I guess its time to contribute again. Hope to post it soon, and everyone keep up the good work, these really are entertaining. Maybe the impending release of Halo 2 is generating all this reborn excitement.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
i have never heard of any of these "greats" you keep referring to, but from what you say they must be pretty... great. i'll look 'em up, get some ideas... compare them to the guys who are new writers to you but old to me, the series i wrote ("Last of the Walking Dead") and the new series i'm writing ("Charge of the Grunt Brigade") and see how they turn out. thanks for clearing all that up for me.
also, i have nothing against the older writers or Wado or Gruntkiller on any of y'all. we all sling around stuff that's taken the wrong way. can't help it, it just happens.
Wado, maybe you should read some of the newer fanfic. it's not all crappy, pure-action no-story nonsense. we've got a lot of our own good guys with real plots, like FOrunnER, Alpha Lance (he just wrote his first fanfic), H_K (dunno whether you count him as old or not, but you didn't talk about him) stan, who wrote a one-part peice that was pure genious and about no action, and the endless tales of GLADIATRRR3000. we ain't so bad, so check us out.
-Walker, author, "Last of the Walking Dead"
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
You guys are all saying that the new stuff isn't as good but nobody comments on most of the stories. Only a few of the old authors stories get comments an the rest get few if any. Walker, Kaboose, and a few others are the only one's who comment on my stories. Mabye if there was a little more advice going around, not so many people would STINK. P.S., great story Gruntkiller :)
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Thanks for mentioning I was good Walker. I was begging to think I stunk due to the LACK OF COMMENTS ON MY STORIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Oh and one last thing. I'm gonna give props to Blue Jaguar because I think his new series is getting underatted. It has a good plot and a lot of action. It's my favorite series now that Silent Hunter and his On a Pale Horse series have mysterously vanished. hhhmmm........
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Thanks for saying I was good Walker. To Wado, I think that youre somewhat right, there is alot of crap going around. But I also think that there isn't enough advice going around. Mostly its a few stories that get all the comments and the rest get a few or sometimes none. Mabye if more free advice was floating around alot of people would get better. An example is Blue Jaguars story, Stranded Eagle. I think it is a great story that gets absolutely no feedback. Just though I'd give my props to him. If you wanna take me up on the free advice, check out my series and start.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Hey good points FOrunnER. It is easy to forget that authors really want some comments on their stories, if anything to know someone read it. I remember at times refreshing my browser to see if someone entered a comment...LOL.
Woos is me, however, I will try to read your stories and make comments. There was a time long ago when authors flocked to me and asked that I read their stories. There became too many stories and I could not keep up. I felt bad that I would leave some out. I ended up, stopping all together rather than disappoint some.
Not that my comments always hit the mark. Some didn't like them, but I think most did.
BTW: Thanks gruntkiller for use of your comment space.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
no problem wado, use it any time, almost all of your copmments have good point in them well worth reading
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
The old days of fanfic were good there are a lot of new writers that spawn the next generation of fanfic. I just started to post fics in the last days of Wado and el_halo_duablo's rain.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Gruntkiller, feeling popular? Well, now that Wado's back, I can't wait for more golden-ness. I read TRotA and SOA and SOA2, and I'm shocked. I had to print out 'Queen Cortana' simply because it was so amazing. Anyone who has not read Wado's stuff has not lived. I'm glad that everyone's coming back, but hey, I don't get recognized?!
Just kidding, I'm just happy that things will shape up around here. I need someone to give me good pointers, and Wado, TM, and el_halo_diablo helped me out with Chaotic Reign (I actually FINISHED that, can you believe it??) and everything else. Because of them, I'm finally satisfied with my newest series, In Light of Destiny. Happy day, the masterpiece writers are back. If anyone happens to read the next ILod addition, tell me in full truth what is good and what isn't. Wado's good at that...
Anyway, I look forward to a better future here. I got tired of having to actually pay attention to the new authors...it's such a bore having to remember who's who. I never should have left.
Same goes to you, Wado!
Well, I'm slowing down on ILoD because I have limited time to write it. It may be days or even weeks before each new part comes in. Bear with me, please.
Jinkaiden-XI, author, "In Light of Destiny."
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Gruntkiller I hope your next chapter is in the next batch of fanfics because the anticipation is killin' me. I took your advice and wrote one myself, called nothing to lose. Forgive me if I'm a bit rusty, I haven't posted a new fic in over a year, but I'm pretty confident in this one.
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
the next ones in there great to hear your writing again hornet