
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'CTF-Proluge'

12:03 am | July 4, 2004
Does anybody know when walker is coming out with the next CotGB.
12:02 am | July 4, 2004
Okay I guess but do you really know german
7:51 am | July 3, 2004
Nooo!!! Cold Blooded beat me to it!! -.-"...Yes, 343 Salty Beans stole the words straight from my mouth...I WANT MY LAWYER!!
7:53 pm | July 2, 2004
It was alright, a little trite though. The first few sentences were really simple.
Gold Elite
11:45 am | July 2, 2004
Woops, went a little over board.
Gold Elite
11:42 am | July 2, 2004
Actually, Eric is my name. He is based off me. And Chris is based off Chris in real life, and Aaron is based off Aaron in real life. Michael, which will not appear until later, will not be based off Michael. I don't want a 16 year old in my story crying because he didn't get the sniper, or saying 'I'm a retard!' one million times because he thinks it's funny, the jack ass!
11:24 am | July 2, 2004
Did I say "jerk to you"? I meant to your story's character, obviously :)

C.T. Clown
11:02 am | July 2, 2004
Good first try (on MPFF, that is). You structured the story well, especially the ending. You also did a good job distinguishing your characters. The plot was a bit thin, and I wasn't exactly sure why the guy from your base was such jerk to you :) But solid first try.

Work on the action, and the plot, and keep writing. Not enough MPFF around here.

C.T. Clown
CoLd BlooDed
12:52 am | July 2, 2004
It was okay, I just thought maybe if you spelled "Prologue" right it would've made it more "special". :P

Good try, though.
343 Salty Beans
10:39 pm | July 1, 2004
Interesting. That means not good, but not bad. Just....interesting.

